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1st Year Wedding Anniversary Gift Ideas

Your First Wedding Anniversary should not be taken Lightly.

It shows that you not only Remembered your Special Day, but that you also put the Time and Effort into Celebrating it as well.

Common Gifts are a Romantic Candle Lit Dinner, Wine, A Box of Chocolates, Roses, a Wonderful Back Massage…

But there are many more items that actually signify and stand for the 1st Wedding Anniversary!

They are: Paper, Clocks, Watches, Gold Jewelry, Chrysoberyl, Alexandrite, Cat’s Eye, Peridot, Opals, Freshwater Pearls, Mother of Pearl, Orange Blossoms and Carnations.

Take a Peek…

1st Anniversary Gift Ideas!

So let’s dig in and take a look at some Great Examples that would make for the Perfect Gift for your Special Grand Occasion


Paper Products are generally the most sought out Present for the 1st Wedding Anniversary. And if done Correctly, it can be a HUGE Hit!

I’m not talking about giving her a Sheet of Paper. That wouldn’t go over so well (unless it’s a Divorce Paper). I’m talking about Paper made Products like these shown below:

Handmade Greeting Cards

Make her a Beautiful Handmade Card, or a Silly Sappy one. Get some Construction Paper, Scissors, Glue, and a whole lot of Imagination. Write a Funny Phrase. Paste a Goofy Picture. Just Enjoy it and have Fun with the Project like these people did…

Handmade Greeting Cards!

Frame Photo

Take a Picture of you two and have it Framed and Matted (you can even have the Frame Personalized or Engraved with your Anniversary Date or Initials).

Or even better, have the Photo Printed on a Large Canvas (Gallery Print) that’s Perfect for Hanging on the Wall.

Local Places that do these kinds of Services are: Costco and Walgreens!


Contact an Artist who does Caricatures and have them make a Caricature from a Photo of you two.

Take the Example below of a Wedding Couple Caricature created by the Wonderful Artist Colin Harris. Contact him here: Main Line Caricatures.

Wedding Couple Caricatures!

Stationary & Note Cards

Stationary is a Great Gift… as long as she uses Stationary! Now-a-days, not very many People Write, Scribe or use Paper Products as these. But, it’s still High on the List and you can get Stationary and Note Cards for any and all Occasions!

Photo Albums or Scrapbook

Want to get Real Creative? Make her a Photo Album of Places you have been, or things you have done in the Past Year. Make it Fun and Silly Scrapbook, or Intimate and Heart Touching. But above all else, make it yours! Include Sayings, Vacations, Favorite Songs, Embarrassing Moments, Movie Ticket Stubs… Anything that Bonds you two together as a Couple would Work.

Make a Scrapbook or Photo Album!

Write a Poem!

If you can Write and Enjoy being Witty, or even Daring, put it all down on Paper. Spill your Guts out. Jot her a Love Poem, Doodle, Story or even a Fairytale. But make it meaningful. Make her Blush, Laugh, Cry, Smile… and Kiss you in the End. :)

Scavenger Hunt

Send her on a Scavenger Hunt. Scavenger Hunts are all about Searching for Notes or Pieces of Paper with Clues to the Next Note. Send her through the House, Yard, Neighbourhood, Favorite Get-a-Way… Leave a Trail that Directs to the Final Destination. Lead her to a Moonlit Gazebo, that Wooden Bridge, the Place where you Met, your First Restaurant Together, the Local Spa, a Hotel with a Hot Tub…

Just don’t make the Clues too Tough to Follow. You don’t want her giving up in the Middle and Going Home! You could Start this Simple Hunt from a Text Message that you send her when she gets Home. :)

The Point is, take her Somewhere Special that she’ll Appreciate and Talk about for Years. Just make sure you’re Waiting at the End for her. :)

It doesn’t need to be Expensive. Just Thoughtful and Playful, and with an Ending that Shows your Unwavering Love for her (or him).

Create a Fun Scavenger Hunt!

Origami Roses

How about some Origami Roses? A Bouquet of Paper Roses that you Fold and Create yourself. You can even Write Little Love Messages all over the Paper before you Fold them. She can then Unfold them and Read what you have to Say. What a Great Night that will be! :)
These YouTube videos shows how to make Origami Roses, as well as this one here… :)

Have fun!

Make some Origami Roses!

Ransom Notes

Cut out Newspaper Clippings, Headlines, Words, Letters, Phrases (like a Ransom Note) and Create a Fun and Special, Unique Message.

Make it Colorful, Eye Catching and Meaningful. Get your Scissors and some Glue. Start Cutting and having Fun.

Hey, I’m just giving you Ideas here, I’m not making it for you! ;)

Make some Ransom Love Notes!

Make a Puzzle

Order in a Puzzle that’s made from a Photo of you two. Pick a Photo of something, or some Place that you want to Remember and share: Kissing at the Wedding, White Water Rafting on your Honeymoon, Dancing on the Docks… You get the Point!

There are a lot of Places that you can order Puzzles like this. One example is Printer’s Studio. Take a look… Printer’s Studio!

Love Coupons

Create her some LOVE COUPONS!!! These are Coupons that you make, that she can Redeem with you at Anytime, Anywhere she Desires (Just be Ready for that).

Coupons can say things like: a Ten Minute Foot Massage, a Back Rub with Warm Oil, a Sponge Bath filled with Rose Petals, a Home Cooked Candle Lit Dinner, a Romantic Comedy at the Theater, a Hand Held Walk in the Park

And of course, you could always have the Coupons say more “Romantic” and “Intimate” things as well. Things I won’t list here… Wink Wink!

Make her some Love Coupons!


Clocks are a Silly Little Gift. It’s almost like Buying her an Appliance or Vacuum Cleaner… Chances are, after a Year together, you have all the Clocks you need in the House.

But one Type of Clock really Fits the Bill well: A Crystal Clock!

Crystal Clocks are Very Classy, Elegant, and sometimes Quite Expensive.

But they are a Lovely Keepsake that Work just Perfect for the 1st Wedding Anniversary.

P.S. Have it set to the Very First Minute you Laid Eyes on her! ;)

Buy her a Crystal Clock!


Watches are not a Bad Gift Idea for your Anniversary. Look into getting her a Gold Watch, and you’ll knock 2 things off the Specified Item list!

Buy a Watch with Crystals or Diamonds around the Bezel. Something that Sparkles and Dazzles her Eyes.

You could also get a Matching Set of Watches as well. One for you, one for her. Get them Engraved on the back with a Very Short Love Note:

“I Love you more than Chocolate”

Watches are a Practical Gift and Works Perfect for that Elegant Dress Watch that she’s always Wanted or Needed.

Plus, she’ll have something to Wear when you take her out to that Expensive Chop House. :)

Buy her a Gold Watch!

Gold Jewelry

A Gift of Gold is Pretty Simple. Keep in mind that “Gold” can be Yellow Gold or White Gold (or even Two-Tone)! And it can 10k, 14k, 18k or even solid 24k Gold!

Good Examples of Gold Jewelry to Purchase are: Gold Chains, a Gold Locket (Put your Photos in them), a Gold Key (to your Heart), a Gold Bracelet (like the Hugs and Kisses Bracelet), any kind of Gold and Diamonds Work Well. A Gold Watch will do the Trick. A Gold and Diamond Anniversary Band. Gold Hoop Earrings. A Gold Anklet for your Walk on the Beach…

Gold Pandora Beads! A Gold Gemstone Ring… Even a Gold Nugget (not Fool’s Gold). Or even a Gold Bar (You with your Movie Star’s Budget).

Or you could just Incorporate the “Gold” theme into other things as well…

A Gold Frame for your Hand Drawn Love Note. Gold Foil Covered Chocolates. Gold Dipped Roses. Gold Coins…

Think Gold and Sparkly and you’re Half Way There.

Take a Peek at some Gold Jewelry Examples

Buy her Gold Jewelry!

Chrysoberyl Jewelry

Chrysoberyl is a Particular Type of Gemstone with a Few Varieties that can be found in Jewelry Stores Today: Cat’s Eye, and Alexandrite

Alexandrite Jewelry

Alexandrite is actually the Official Birthstone for the Month of June.

Sadly, True and Genuine Alexandrites are Rare and Pretty Expensive. What you will probably find instead, are Created Alexandrites!

These Man-Made Gemstones are known for their Color Changing Abilities. In one Light they could look Green, and in another Light they could look Purple or Red.

This makes this Gift Versatile and Very Cool. Have the Stone set in a 14k Gold Mounting and you’ll be hitting 2 Birds with One Stone. :)

And, you could always do this: Buy her an Alexandrite Ring for your Anniversary, and then also Purchase at the same time, the Matching Earrings and Pendant, which you can then give to her at a Later Date, like her Birthday or Christmas.

Smart, eh?

Alexandrites and Cats Eye Gemstones!

Cat’s Eye Jewelry

The Neatest Thing about Cat’s Eye (shown above), is it’s Crazy Optical Light Properties.

This Stone Grabs light and reflects it back in a Moving Column that Races up and down the Stone as you Tilt it. Giving the Impression that the Stone is Magical or Animate, and the Stone Glistens like a Real Cat’s Eye!

The only Down Fall: The Color!

Cat’s Eyes are Generally Gray and not so Great for a Woman’s ring. Unless she wears a lot of Earth Tones, Dark, or Black Clothing.

Cat’s Eye does Work Great for a Man though! :)

Peridot Jewelry

Peridot (pronounced Pear-e-Doe) is a Very Unique Bright Green Gemstone that Varies from Light to Dark Green (see images below)…

Peridot Gemstone Jewelry!

Peridot is the Official Birthstone for the Month of August and people tend to either Love it or Hate it.

This Color should only be Purchased if she just happens to Wear Clothes and Dresses of this Shade or Hue.

Otherwise, it won’t match her Wardrobe, and she may never, ever Wear them! Not Cool!

These Gems do have a lot of Sparkle in them. They are Fairy Clean Stones, Very Brilliant, and they Look Beautiful in any type of Mounting, Ring or Jewelry.

A Set of Earrings or a Pendant are Wonderful. As well as a Dainty Ring, or a Peridot Bracelet.

Jewelry Stores should have a fair amount of Peridot in Stock since it’s not a Precious Stone and Not Very Expensive. See tons of Peridot Jewelry HERE!

Opal Jewelry

Opal comes in many Different Varieties, Styles and Colors. You don’t need to Limit yourself to just the Standard “White” Opal to be a First Anniversary Gift.

This Gemstone with the “Play of Colors“, is actually the Official Birthstone for the Month of October.

Do keep in mind though that Opals are more Delicate than Most Gemstones (they are a 5.5-6 on the Moh’s Scale of Hardness), and Not Meant for Everyday Use. These Stones could Chip or Break Easily if Hit too Hard. Care must be taken!

Opal Varieties include: The Common White Opal, Black Opal (LOVE these!), Mosaic Opal, Fire Opal (Very Cool if you like Orange, See some Orange Fire Opals HERE!), Blue Opal, Harlequin Opal (Awesome Dark Opal with Patches of Color), and many, many more Opals that you can find if you Search hard enough for them. Look on Amazon for Opal Jewelry HERE!

Opal Gemstone Jewelry!

Fresh Water Pearl Jewelry

Fresh Water Pearls are Pearls Created and Grown in Fresh Water. These Types of Pearls are Generally Out-Of-Shape, Bumpy, and more Organic Looking than a Standard, Round Cultured Pearl.

Fresh Water Pearls make a Great Gift since they are Inexpensive and the Choice and Styles are Endless.

One type of Fresh Water Pearl that is a Huge Git, is called the Potato Pearl. These are mostly Uniform in Appearance, and generally Oval and Smooth in Shape (like a Potato). They look Good, Face up Well, have Great Luster, and Work for any Occasion, Special or Not!

See Examples of Fresh Water Pearl Jewelry HERE

Freshwater Pearl Gemstone Jewelry!

Mother of Pearl Jewelry

Mother of Pearl is the Shell Lining taken from a Nautilus Shell, or other kinds of Mollusks.

This Shell or Nacre, makes for some Awesome, Artistic and Very Colorful Jewelry Designs. The Iridescent Ribbons of Light and Color are Simply Breathtaking!

Have these set in Gold and give her a Stunning and Bold New Look.

Take a look at some Mother of Pearl examples below…

Mother of Pearl Gemstone Jewelry!

As you can see in the Image, many Watches also have a Mother of Pearl Face as well. These are Cool! And… that’s 3 Gifts in one if you get her a Gold one! :)


There are Two Types of Flowers that stand for and are Significant for this Special Anniversary… The Orange Blossom and the Carnation.

The Orange Blossom

The Orange Blossom (Florida State Flower) isn’t an Orange Flower like most would Imagine. It’s a White Flower with 5 Petals, that holds a Beautiful Bulb in the Center.

Blossoms make a Stunning Bouquet of Flowers on the Dinner Table… With Candles… Soft Music… and a Home Cooked Meal!

Who could ask for more?

P.S. You could always get her Orange Blossoms AND an Orange Fire Opal! How Cool is that?


Carnations (Ohio State Flower) are Magnificent and Beautiful Flowers that literally come in every Color of the Rainbow: Yellows, Oranges, Reds, Pinks, Greens, Blues, Purples, Whites…

A Display of Reds, Pinks and Whites Works Perfect for Love and can be picked up at most any Florist on the way home.

Or… you could always have them Delivered to her Work (or take them yourself) for a Wonderful Surprise.

Don’t Forget to include a Special Message or Love Note. That way, all the Women in the Office will Melt! :)


While not an Official Gift for the 1st Anniversary, it still makes the PERFECT GIFT for ANY Anniversary…

Diamond Jewelry

Buy her ANYTHING with Diamonds in it and you’ll make her Heart Smile and Bring a Tear to her Eye.

Diamonds are the Ultimate “I Love You” Gift. Diamonds ARE Forever and Stand for Never-Ending Love and Endurance.

A Diamond Heart Necklace.

A Heart Shaped Diamond Pendant.

A Diamond Tennis Bracelet.

Diamond Studs.

Anniversary Diamond Jewelry!

Think Diamonds and you’ll find the Ultimate Gift.

It doesn’t need to be Expensive, just Sparkly and Beautiful.

(See some Wonderful Diamond Jewelry HERE!)

Plus, you could always Incorporate many of the items on this list together and make it a Day to Remember!

Keep it Fun! Keep it Romantic! Keep it Real!

Cherish these Special Moments in your Life. :)

All it takes is a Little Planning. A Little Creativity. Anything is Possible!

And Memorable!

Cheers to the Happy Couple.

One Year down, a Lifetime to go! :)

Read what all the Rest of the Anniversaries get here: Anniversary Gift List!

Recommended Jewelry Supplies:

Ultrasonic Jewelry CleanerJewelry Steam CleanerComplete Jewelry Cleaner KitDiamond Dazzle Stick
Gold Silver Jewelry Polishing ClothsJewelry Making Supplies KitGold Acid Test KitWatch Tool Repair Kit
Ring AdjustersEMT Emergency Ring Cutter10x Jewelers LoupeJewelers Microscope

Recommended Jewelry Supplies:

Ultrasonic Jewelry CleanerJewelry Steam Cleaner
Complete Jewelry Cleaner KitDiamond Dazzle Stick
Gold Silver Jewelry Polishing ClothsJewelry Making Supplies Kit
Gold Acid Test KitWatch Tool Repair Kit
Ring AdjustersEMT Emergency Ring Cutter
10x Jewelers LoupeJewelers Microscope

Recommended Diamond Vendors:

James Allen

James Allen

James Allen is a leader in diamonds. Their real time interactive diamond inspection is the best in the industry. View and rotate any diamond under 20x magnification. Their prices, selection, lifetime warranty, 24/7 customer support and hassle free returns are unbeatable. Visit James Allen today.

James Allen

Blue Nile

Blue Nile

Blue Nile is the largest and most well known respected diamond dealer online. They are highly trusted, have a huge inventory, and low low prices (compare anywhere and see for yourself). If you want to save money, or build your own ring, this is the place to shop. Visit Blue Nile today.

Blue Nile

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