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Exclusive Pandora Charm Beads

I recently took a Vacation to Hawaii

Maui to be more specific.

I stayed in a Beautiful Condo in Kahana and loved it.

(It’s my 4th time there and I vow to live there one day).

During a little Shopping Experience at Whaler’s Village

Which by the way is an Awesome Vantage Point for seeing Humpback Whales in Whale Season, which I did see – Incredible!

Take a peek…

Maui Humpback Whale Tail Fluke Up

I passed by an Official Pandora Store!

All Pandora Stores pretty much look the same. Same white Window Displays, same Signage, same Charms, same Bracelets…

And I thought to myself as I was strolling by “Pandora really misses the boat with their Charm Beads. They could be doing Exclusive Beads for all the Tourist Locations around the World and Raking it in… Statue of Liberty, Grand Canyon, Times Square, the Golden Gate Bridge…

Exclusive Charms that you could only get at those Stores in those Locations.

It would be so Cool!

Well, that ran through my mind and my good friend Keila, who owns several Pandora Bracelets, said “Let’s go in, maybe they’ll have something unique for Hawaii“.

I shrug and say okay. We enter the Pandora Store.

She played around with the Ring Display, trying on Different Styles and Stones Blurting out “I love this one” every other one…

No Problem!

A Friendly Sales Lady Greets us and says “hi, if you want any help just ask…

Keila says “Do you have any Specific Hawaii Charms?

The Lady says “Right here is our Selection of Island Themed Beads“.

I expected to see the normal “Tropical” Beads like Flowers, Turtles, Dolphins and Palm Trees… Things that could be for ANY Island or any Hot Climate.

I didn’t think they had anything truly Hawaiian!

Keila goes to the case as I lean on the counter and wait.

Suddenly she cries out “Does that bead say Maui?

Yes it does” the Lady says.

I now look over interested.

Pandora has Exclusive Beads ???

I lean over as the Lady takes the Charm out of the Case and hands it to Keila. Sure enough, it was a Beautiful Bright Blue Murano Glass Bead, with Lines and Bubbles all over it that looked like Water and Waves. The word “Maui” was Engraved onto one Side of the Bead with Pretty Pink Enamel.

See the Bead below…

Exclusive Maui Pandora Bead Charm

I was impressed!

I had no idea Pandora did anything like this.

The Sales Rep says “It’s exclusive to Maui Pandora Stores!

Does Pandora make other Exclusive Beads like these?” I question.

Yes, but only 5 locations in the World carry them.” She then says (and don’t quote me on this, because after a search it seems that there are about 18 Exclusive Beads, but not really anything mentioned on the Pandora Website, and they didn’t even have this Maui Bead listed either) the locations she said are: Alaska, Disney, Las Vegas, Australia and Maui.

Who would have known?

My Friend looks at me with a Huge Smile on her Face…

I pull out my Wallet

She jumps up and down Excited.

I bet your Mom would like one of these too!” she says. Yes, my Mom is also a Pandora Nut. She has about 12 full Bracelets and who knows how many Beads.

Keila was right… “I’ll take TWO” I tell the Sales Lady.

Sue would also LOVE one…” Keila says with Puppy Dog eyes “It’s her Birthday next month!”

I sigh.

(This is what Pandora does to Women…)

Sue is a Mad Collector of Pandora Beads… Just about every women I know is…

I look at her. She smiles again.

“Okay… 3!”

So there you go. Certain Travel Locations DO Sell Exclusive Beads.

Pandora should do more of these!

In fact, their Maui Store Front should have Huge Signage all over the Windows that feature this “Exclusive Maui Bead“. (I almost passed them by).

That would bring all the people in. Because I truly believe that not many folks know that there are EXCLUSIVE Pandora Beads! I didn’t!

I do now.

Looking at the Receipt as I walk out the door I notice that the Beads and Engraving are Rang up separate. How Interesting!

The Charms come to $62 a piece, but that’s $35 for the Bead (which is actually called Turquoise Looking Glass on Pandora’s Website) and $27 for the Engraving. Weird…

Pandora Charm Bead Receipt

No matter, my total bill with 4% Hawaiian Tax came to $193.75 (for all 3 Beads).

It’s just money, right?

Another Bead to add to their never ending Pandora Charm Collection…

Alaska, here I come! :)

To get your Exclusive Pandora Charm Bead, call Pandora at Whaler’s Village at 1-806-661-8960.

P.S. Have your Credit Card handy! :)

P.P.S. I am NOT Affiliated with Pandora in anyway and will NOT make any Commissions from this Referral. I just love the Bead, love Pandora, and wanted to show it off to you.



This is what Pandora Officially Says:

I emailed Pandora to inquire more about this “Exclusive” Bead later on, and found out that ANY Pandora Store actually has the ability to Engrave whatever they want on the Beads before they sell them.

Their direct email quote is: “PANDORA retailers have the ability to engrave charms before selling them to consumers.” This is why the Bead and Engraving are rung up separate.

It all makes sense now! :)

Not Entirely Exclusive, but still from Maui! :)

Mystery solved!

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