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Is Your Jewelry Outdated?

Party like it’s 1999…

Are you still Wearing the same Jewelry and Rings you Bought 20 Years Ago?

Do you ever think to yourself “I’d like to Update my Jewelry and get Some Fresh, New, Modern Designs“?

Well, You Can!

I See and Hear it Every Day. Women come into the store with Yellow Gold Rings and Wedding Sets that look Old, Antique and Blah. They put New Rings and Styles up against them on their Fingers and they just look out of place. They don’t Match or go together!

So why not Update them?

You Update your Clothing… (Just imagine Wearing the same Clothes from 1984)…

You Update your House…

You Update your Car…

Jewelry is no Different!

Jewelry Needs to be Updated too!

Our Tastes and Styles Change. The Colors of Metal have Changed too!

Almost Everything is White Gold, Platinum, Stainless Steel, Titanium, or Tungsten Now!

Maybe it’s time for a Change yourself?

Plus, that Mid-Life Crisis is Screaming for a Change!

Change is Good!

A Change is Not Too Difficult a Process. And if you do it Right, it doesn’t need to Cost a Ton of Money either.

There are Two Main ways to go about Updating your Rings, Bracelets, Pendants and Earrings…

1) Remount

2) Trade-In

So let’s take a Closer look!

1) Remount

Remounting is where you take the Diamonds and Gemstones out of your Old Mounting and have them Set into a Brand New Mounting.

Some Ladies just want to make the Switch from Yellow Gold to White Gold like so…

Turn your Yellow Gold Ring into White Gold!

But others want a totally Different Design and Style. Something Modern and Exciting like these…

Fresh, New, Modern Engagement Ring Designs!

P.S. A lot of Women also do this with their Old Engagement Ring from a Past Marriage. Why Not Reuse those Diamonds?

There are lots of ways you could do this. You could pick out a Similar Style of Ring in the Jeweler’s Showcase and have your Diamonds and Stones Swapped out into those.

You could look through Vendor’s Catalogs and order in a Style that Suits you. These will either be Mountings that are Blank (Empty), so you can set your Stones in. Or they’ll be Semi-Mounts, where the Side Stones are already set and they just need a Center Stone.

This is what Blank Mountings look like…

Empty, Blank Diamond Ring Mountings!

And this is what Semi-Mounts look like. You’ll notice that it looks Better and is Easier to Visualize when the Side Stones are Pre-Set…

Semi-Mount Rings with no Center Stone!

Or, you could have the Jeweler Carve a Wax and Custom Design a New Ring from Scratch, like these…

Custom Design Ring with a Wax Mold!

The Carving Process

Once they Carve the Wax, and you Approve it, they will then Cast the Ring, Set the Stones, and you’re Good to go. This Process does take much longer to do, so give it at least 6 Weeks just in case!

You could have them Carve a Ring just like your old one, but Cast it in a Different Metal. Or, you could go Wild and Crazy and have them make a Very Cool One-Of-A-Kind Ring that will Knock your Socks off!

It’s your Choice, the Sky’s the Limit!

I will say, Custom Designing is a Very Cool Process and a Great Experience for all to go through. I Love it! :)

Carving a Wax and Custom Designing will probably Cost about 20% more than a Regular Ring though, just because of the Labor Involved. The Good Thing is, you already have the Stones, so all you’re Paying for is the Mounting!

Having your Diamonds Reset into a New Ring is usually Cheaper no matter what, then Buying a New Ring Outright.

A Remount will generally Cost you anywhere from $200 – $1500 Depending on the Weight of the Ring, How Many Stones need to be Set, and How Intricate and Time Consuming the Job becomes.

Still, it’s Better than Buying all New Stones!

2) Trade In

Don’t want to go through the Resetting and Remounting Process?

Want Something Quick and Painless?

Just gather up all your Old Items, Rings, Jewelry, Necklaces… and Trade them in!

Trade In Your Old Rings and Jewelry!

Most people don’t know that they can apply Used Gold, and Scrap, Broken Rings and Jewelry towards New Items. You Can! If they’re just sitting there in your Jewelry Box Collecting Dust, get some use out of them. Trade them towards something New and Trendy!

You do have to be Cautious though with Trades, because you usually only get Scrap Metal Value for them. Jewelers have to Break the Jewelry up, Scrap the Metal and Send it to a Refinery for Purification (which Costs them Money). The Old Stones are then Reset into New Pieces if they are still in New Condition. But often Gemstones will be Scratched up, Dull, or even Chipped in Spots…

Which are Totally Worthless!

Trade-Ins do Knock the Price of the New Pieces down some, but if you keep your Eyes Peeled, you can often find Sales and Promotions that will do the Same Trick!

Keep in mind, most Jewelers usually don’t take any Trade-ins towards Sale Merchandise. It’s One or the Other Discount!

So Weigh the Price Differences, see what the Bottom Line is, and then make your Decision!

My Advice?

I say, Pick a New Mounting and have your Stones Reset!

While this can be Fun to Peruse the Thousands of Different Styles and Designs, it’s still Not as Easy as it seems. You do have to Pick a Mounting that will Hold all your Stones properly, and also be able to hold the Right Carat Weights (mm Size) and Shapes you have! Sometimes it can be Rather Difficult!

That’s why some Ladies will take the Easier Route and just Swap out the Large Center Stone and Trade in the Rest. Set the Large Stone into a Semi-Mount and be done with it!

It’s Fast and Easy!

Talk to the Jewelry Store and see what the Best Route is for your Rings.

You don’t have to be Stuck in the Past anymore!

Update your Jewelry and get with the Times!

Swapping your Engagement Ring or Wedding Set over into White Gold is still the Most Popular Process. It keeps you Current! AND, you still hold onto your Sentimental Stones! I Would Never Advise giving those up! :)

But the Mounting…

It could use an Update!

When your Rings start looking like your Mother’s Rings or Grandmother’s Rings, it’s Time for an Adjustment!

Nothing says once you Buy a Ring you’re Stuck with it for Life. Heck, you could even Swap out your White Diamonds for Colored Diamonds instead…

Trade In Towards New Colored Diamond Rings!

So if you’re Thinking about doing it, GO FOR IT! Take the First Step. Walk into your Local Jeweler and have a Chat.

Voice your Questions and Concerns

See where the Road takes you.

I have a feeling you’ll leave with a Smile on your Face and a Sparkle on your Finger.

Now, let’s Talk about that Hairdo… ;)

James Allen

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