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Buying Pearls is not as easy as it seems, because Pearls come in every mm size available (and every color).
It makes it tough to order online when you don’t know how big the Pearls are. It makes it difficult to match up Existing Pearls that you already have (like an Add-A-Pearl Necklace), and it makes it hard to even visualize how an item would look on when you don’t know how big a mm is.
Comparing the Size of Pearls with everyday household objects makes things easier to understand all the different sizes.
An Average Sized Pearl is generally between 4-8mm in width. But you can Find Small Seed Pearls that are just 2mm across. And you can also find Huge Mabe Pearls and Cultured Pearls and even Black Tahitian Pearls up to 12, 15, 18mm in Size. Those are Huge!
The Standard mm Size for a Strand of Pearls is 5-6mm. It’s a nice in between size that can be worn daily and doesn’t appear too Big or too Gaudy.
A 5mm Pearl is pretty much the same size as the top of a Push Pin. 6mm is usually the size of a Large Paperclip.
With that, pictures say everything! So I thought I’d dig up some common items around the house to show you some comparisons of Pearls and Millimetres.
Hence, the Pearl mm Comparison Chart!
Pearl Millimetre Comparison Chart
Keep in mind that Pearls will usually vary in size. What I mean is, it may be difficult to find an exact size like 5mm. Instead, you’ll probably find 5.13mm, or 5.30mm, or 4.97mm… Things that are grown are usually never perfect, nor perfectly round either!
But, it still gives a great reference point to compare them to.
Take a look at the chart below and see what Pearl mm Sizes are and how they compare to other common items.
Here’s a Comparison Chart that lists all the items and more…
Also keep in mind… This image is not exact in size. It’s enlarged to show detail and clarity. To really see what size the Pearls are, grab one of these items listed, or simply pick up a Millimetre Gauge (also known as a Caliper Gauge).
It makes Sizing Pearls Fun! :)