Lab Grown Diamond Deals



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The Best Diamond Money Can Buy

“I Want the BEST!”

People always want the Best Diamond that their Money can Buy.

The Best Cut, the Best Color, the Best Clarity and the Best Carat Weight


what is the Best?

Let’s find out…

The Top of the Line Diamond is a Diamond that has the Top Grade in Every Single Category of the 4 C’s. So the Best Diamond that you could buy would be:

  • Flawless (FL)
  • D Color
  • Super Ideal Cut
  • 1.00 Carat Weight or Larger

Now, I will say that there is actually NO Top of the Line Carat Weight. It’s what ever Carat Weight you Decide to Buy. But, I will say that ALL Girls Dream of Owning a One Carat Diamond or Larger…

One Carat (1.00 CT or 100 Points) is the Size that Most Women Want, so One Carat is what I am Shooting for in this “Best Diamond Scenario“.

Let’s take a Closer look at the Most Perfect Diamond there is:

Flawless – D Color – Super Ideal Cut!

I went to James Allen to look up Carats, Quality and Prices. They are a Leader in the Industry and one of the Biggest Online Diamond Retailer there is… So you couldn’t get a more Ideal Place to Start.

Flawless (FL)

Flawless is Perfect when it comes to Diamond Clarity. Flawless is at the Very Top of the Grading Chart. There is Nothing Better.

In a Flawless Diamond you will find NO Flaws whatsoever. No Inclusions. No Imperfections like Carbon Spots, Lines, Clouds, Feathers, Naturals… Nothing!

Flawless is Flawless. Period! No Blemishes Exist inside or outside of the Stone. You can Scrutinize the Diamond under 10x Magnification (What they use to Grade Diamonds with) and you will see NOTHING! It’s Perfectly Clean.

It’s Absolutely Breathtaking

It’s hard to Imagine that such a Perfect Clarity Exists in Nature. In Fact, less than 1% of all the Diamonds mined in the World fall under this Category. And most Flawless Diamonds never hit the Market. They are Collectors items that are Never used for Jewelry. Why Risk Perfection?

If you want the Best that Money can Buy (Extremely Expensive), Flawless is the Ideal Clarity to get.
But, since Flawless is almost Impossible to Locate in any great Quantities… Most Jewelers will NOT sell them, and sell Internally Flawless instead.

Internally Flawless

Internally Flawless Diamonds are just as Grand as Flawless, just one Step Lower in Clarity Grade. There is One Single Characteristic that separates the two: Internally Flawless Diamonds are “FlawlessInside the Stone, but on the Outside, on the Surface, somewhere you will find a Tiny Blemish, or Natural, or Trigon, or Nick that Breaks the Surface and keeps the Stone from being Totally Flawless (Most of the time, this is just a Tiny Dot on the Girdle). These are Very Minute, Very Hard to Spot and you would really never know the difference between them (Except in Price). So for the Rest of this Post, Internally Flawless Diamonds (Which you can Find at James Allen, will be used in this Post.

D Color

D Color is at the Very Top End of the Color Chart. D is the Best of the Best.

D Color is a Pure White Diamond that Exhibits Zero Color. None at all. No Traces of Off-White, or Yellow Hues… Nothing but Pure Whiteness. The Whitest White that you can Buy.

Pure White is Unbelievably White, Bright and very Stunning!

I Love Pure White Diamonds and would Recommend Nothing Less.

The Pure White Category is made up of D-E and F Colors. (There is no A, B or C).

Pure White D Color is the Best Color there is in the World.

The Cream of the Crop. Buy them, you’ll Love them!

Super Ideal Cut

A Super Ideal Cut Diamond is a Diamond that is not only Ideal Cut (Cut to Ideal Standard Proportions), but, a Diamond that is also Cut with Ideal Symmetry and Polish. All of the Facets are Polished Perfectly Smooth and the Facets are Equal in Size and Shape and Lined up Properly. This is NOT an Easy Feat to Accomplish.

An Example of a Well Known Super Ideal Cut Diamond would be the Popular Hearts and Arrows Diamond. When Viewed through a Special Jeweler’s Loupe, you can see Heart Shapes and Arrow Shapes in the Diamond. Hearts from the Bottom View, Arrows from the Top View. These Shapes show you that the Diamond is Cut Superbly!

This Winning Combination of Ideal Cut and Ideal Symmetry makes the Diamond…

Sparkle like Crazy!

You won’t see a Diamond with more Sparkle or Brilliance than a Super Ideal Cut stone. It Brings out a Diamond’s Beauty and Life!

Super Cuts are like a Spectacular Light show with Dazzling Fire and Scintillation Bursting from every Facet.

James Allen takes this Super Ideal Cut Diamond one Step Further…

They have what they call a True Hearts Cut.

True Hearts Cut Diamonds

The True Hearts Cut is a Super Ideal Cut Diamond sold under many Different Names. Hearts on Fire would be a Great Example.

These Diamonds have been Cut and Polished at 100X Magnification (I Repeat 100x, NOT 10x like every other Diamond).

Not only are they an Ideal Cut Diamond, with Superb Color, Dazzling Clarity, and Incomparable Symmetry and Shape, but they are the Perfect Marriage between Brilliance and Beauty, Elegance and Grace.

It’s Impressive and almost Impossible to think about.

There is almost no Room for Error. That’s what makes this True Hearts Cut of Diamond so Awesome. They are Cut about as Perfect as Humanly Possible.

A Cut above the Rest!

Now let’s look at my Favorite Topic…

Diamond Prices

Quality this Good (Flawless, D Color, True Hearts) doesn’t come without a Hefty Price. If you want the Best, you must be Prepared to have Deep Pockets.

At the time of this Writing, I did a Search on James Allen to find these Diamond Specs (They allow you to Select what Carat Weight you want, as well as Shape, Clarity, Color, Price and Cut).

The Closest (And only Perfect Diamond) that they had in Stock with the Tops in Every Category was a .58 Carat.

The breakdown for Round Diamonds that I looked at are as follows….


Did you Catch the Price?

The Price was: $5,060

That’s a Nice Chunk of Change for a 58 Point Diamond!

But if you want the BEST, I’m Sure Money is No Object.

As a Comparison, let’s Move Down a tad in Cut, and look at Ideal Cut Diamonds (Which are given the Grade “EXCELLENT” by GIA)…


See that Last Diamond?

HA! That’s like Wearing a Big Beautiful Home on your Finger! HA!

To learn more about all the different Colors and Clarities, check out my Articles on Diamond Training: The 4 C’s. Or just do the easy thing… Purchase my Diamond Crash Course!

That Diamond that’s my Favorite Diamond Quality of all though, is NOT a Flawless Diamond. Oh No! It’s actually a VS2, E Diamond. This is because VS2 will Visibly Look just like a Flawless Stone (Without the Magnification), and E Color is Pure White… but with a More Affordable Price.

I Say, if you can’t SEE the Difference, then why SPEND the Difference? Eh?

See my Favorite Diamond HERE:


That’s the Quality of Diamond I Highly Recommend…

Plus, you’ll Save yourself TONS!

VS2 is a Very Impressive Quality. It has just a Few Microscopic Inclusions in the Diamond and E Color is still a Pure White Diamond. You can’t go Wrong with this Great Combination.

If you can Afford the Best of the Best on your Engagement Ring Finger… Go for it. Get the Flawless, D Color

But, if you want to Purchase a Diamond that’s just as Nice Visually… Just as Stunning, just as White, then Buy a VS2, E. It’s GIA Certified (The Best Certificate you can get). It’s Excellent Ideal Cut with Excellent Symmetry and Excellent Polish.

And lastly, the Price is Right

At $7,960, it’s the BEST Diamond that I would get.

For me, that IS the Best Diamond that Money can Buy!

Recommended Jewelry Supplies:

Ultrasonic Jewelry CleanerJewelry Steam CleanerComplete Jewelry Cleaner KitDiamond Dazzle Stick
Gold Silver Jewelry Polishing ClothsJewelry Making Supplies KitGold Acid Test KitWatch Tool Repair Kit
Ring AdjustersEMT Emergency Ring Cutter10x Jewelers LoupeJewelers Microscope

Recommended Jewelry Supplies:

Ultrasonic Jewelry CleanerJewelry Steam Cleaner
Complete Jewelry Cleaner KitDiamond Dazzle Stick
Gold Silver Jewelry Polishing ClothsJewelry Making Supplies Kit
Gold Acid Test KitWatch Tool Repair Kit
Ring AdjustersEMT Emergency Ring Cutter
10x Jewelers LoupeJewelers Microscope

Recommended Diamond Vendors:

James Allen

James Allen

James Allen is a leader in diamonds. Their real time interactive diamond inspection is the best in the industry. View and rotate any diamond under 20x magnification. Their prices, selection, lifetime warranty, 24/7 customer support and hassle free returns are unbeatable. Visit James Allen today.

James Allen

Blue Nile

Blue Nile

Blue Nile is the largest and most well known respected diamond dealer online. They are highly trusted, have a huge inventory, and low low prices (compare anywhere and see for yourself). If you want to save money, or build your own ring, this is the place to shop. Visit Blue Nile today.

Blue Nile

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