Diamond Info OVERLOAD There really is a Point in Time when you can be Completely Overloaded with Diamond Information! It’s called Brain Clutter and it happens to Thousands of People! You can only take in [Read More…]
Diamond Info OVERLOAD There really is a Point in Time when you can be Completely Overloaded with Diamond Information! It’s called Brain Clutter and it happens to Thousands of People! You can only take in [Read More…]
Let’s play a little Diamond Clarity Game. I’ll give you 12 images of real, microscopic Diamonds, along with 12 GIA Diamond Plots. Your job is to match the right Diamond with the right Plot! Think [Read More…]
I spend my life comparing Diamonds in the Jewelry Store. Customers are fascinated to see stones side by side and learn why one stone is better than the other. They always want to know what [Read More…]
The bigger the Diamond Carat Weight is, the bigger the Flaws are! Now that’s not entirely true! But it does seem like it. Since the stone is larger, the Flaws inside get easier to see. [Read More…]
SI2 Clarity Diamonds are always a questionable stone. They are the dividing line between Diamonds with NO eye-visible Flaws in them (microscopic only), and Diamonds that do have noticeable flaws just by looking at the [Read More…]
People see Letters and Numbers next to Diamonds in showcases. They see them in Catalogs, Online, on Price tags and Rings… and it all looks pretty meaningless. Mumble Jumble! How is anyone supposed to understand [Read More…]
This is a simple question: “What Diamond Sparkles the Most?“ It could have been a simple answer: The Diamond with the BEST Cut! But, of course, it wouldn’t be that easy. Having an awesome Cut [Read More…]
Seeing is believing! :) It’s also the quickest way to understand Diamond Clarity. So I decided to show you examples of different Clarities in the form of a Diamond Picture Gallery! Below are the most [Read More…]
“WS?” I see this Question come up all the time in my Google Analytics “What is Diamond Clarity WS?“ You would be Surprised at how many times this shows up. So then, what is WS? [Read More…]
A customer walks in the other day, and asked me to see an SI3 Clarity Diamond. I had to explain to her that we didn’t carry SI3 Clarity Diamonds, we only sell GIA and AGS [Read More…]
Often customers who have little Knowledge about Diamond Quality will ask the salesperson who’s showing them a Diamond Ring “Is this Diamond a Good Diamond?“ Of course the salesperson is going to answer “Yes, it’s [Read More…]
There are 4 main reasons why Diamonds look foggy: Inclusions Fluorescence Dirt Cracked Let’s take a closer look at these… 1) Inclusions Inclusions are nature’s fingerprint. If Inclusions are grouped together in one spot, or [Read More…]