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If you go diamond shopping, and you’re looking at loose diamonds, generally for an engagement ring, then the one golden rule is this: if they don’t show you the diamond under a microscope, or at least a 10x jeweler’s loupe, then don’t buy it.
That is, unless you don’t care about quality.
Because every single aspect of a diamond, why they are so beautiful, and why they are so expensive, can usually be seen under direct magnification.
I prefer using a microscope, because you can see using both eyes, and not have to squint, try to focus the diamond, try not to drop the diamond, and try not to let your shadow fall over the stone. A microscope, which should be 10 powered, is not only the preferred method to view clarity, color, flaws, inscriptions, cracks, and facets, but it is also what they use to grade diamonds with.
So if you go diamond shopping for a loose diamond (the only way to buy a diamond), and they don’t show it to you under a microscope, then kindly ask them to view it under a microscope. And if they don’t have one, or just hand you a jeweler’s loupe instead, be warned (are they hiding something?) Loupes are not easy to use, and most people have no idea what they’re looking at or even how to hold one. A microscope is the best tool, so if possible, only shop for diamonds if they have one, and also understand how to use them themselves (some employees have no clue either).
This is why you should shop with confident jewelers, who know about diamonds, quality, certification, and how to compare stones side by side.
This way you can view diamonds of all different price ranges, and really know what it is you’re buying, and understand what better stones look like and why that matters to you.
Magnify them 10x and see the beauty of diamonds close up. Just like these magnified diamonds at James Allen.
You’ll be happy you did.
Cheers! :)