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50 Questions And Answers About Diamonds

Since this a Jewelry Information Website, I’m all about Helping to Educate and Train Customers and Jewelers on Jewelry, Diamonds and Gemstones.

But they’re not the only ones who come here to learn

Often, I’ll get Teachers Writing in asking for more as well!

The fact is, Teachers are always looking for Study Guides, Teaching Materials and Training Tools for their Students. Things that they can pass out as Quick Assignments when in a Pinch.

Diamonds always make a Great Subject. There is just so much to learn about them.

They would work well in many, many Classes or Courses:

Geology – the study of the Earth, Geography – the study of the Landscape, Gemology – the study of Gemstones, any Science Classes, Volcanology – the study of Volcanoes, Diamontology – the study of Diamonds, or any General Study Classes could use these Questions (and Answers provided) as Teaching Tools.

There are literally a Ton of Great Questions you could Ask your Students… So…

I’ve done that for you! :)

I’ve put together 50 Questions About Diamonds that will Test anyone’s Knowledge of Diamonds. Topics Cover: How Diamonds are Made; How Old they Are; How many Cuts a Diamond has; What’s the most Popular Cut of Diamond; and when did the First Engagement Ring begin?

Students will Learn through this Assignment: Diamond Color, Diamond Clarity, Diamond Carat Weight and Diamond Cut, as well as, Fluorescence, Fancy Diamonds, Facets and Flaws!

In other words, they’ll get a Well Rounded Study Guide about Diamonds in General.

It’s a Fun Read, and even if you already have Diamond Knowledge, it will still Refresh and Test your Cranium.

Plus, it’s FREE!

I’ll list the 50 Questions below, and then I’ll list the Answers after that.

The great thing is, you won’t even have to Copy and Paste these Questions to use them… I’ve done that for you as well. I’ve created Downloadable, Printable PDF Pages that are FREE to use and Distribute!

Just PRINT them, hand them out, and Grade them!

It’s That Easy!

Oh, and did I mention that they are FREE?

I’ve created 2 PDF Files for you: One with the 50 Questions (7 Sheets total), with an area at the top for Name and Date. And a Second PDF File that has all the Answers to those Questions that you can Print out and keep for yourself and for Checking.

50 Diamond Questions 50 Diamond Answers


Assignment Finished!
I’ve purposefully left off my Logo, Watermark, Copyright, and URL info off the Hand Out Sheets. That way your Students can’t CHEAT and Grab all the Answers to this Test… That would be a Very Quick way to ACE the Assignment. :)

So here are the 50 Questions about Diamonds, then the Answers and PDF files again! :)


50 Diamond Questions

Print these out, Grab a Pencil, and Begin!

Downloadable, Printable PDF Diamond Questions:

1) How are Diamonds Formed?

2) How Old are Diamonds?

3) What Crystal System is a Diamond?

4) What Causes Diamonds to have Color?

5) What’s the Largest Diamond in the World?

6) What’s the Oldest Recorded Diamond in History?

7) How are Diamond’s Priced?

8) What Clarities are Eye-Clean?

9) What’s the most Popular Diamond Clarity?

10) Why is there no A,B,C of Diamond Color?

11) What Clarities look Flawless to the Naked Eye?

12) What Diamonds Glow-In-The-Dark?

13) What’s the average selling Carat Weight?

14) Can Diamonds really cut Glass?

15) What’s the Absolute Hardness of Diamond?

16) Where does the word ‘Carat’ come from?

17) Who devised the Ideal Cut Diamond?

18) Are Diamonds the Hardest Substance on Earth?

19) How much Heat does it take for a Diamond to burn?

20) What can Scratch a Diamond?

21) A Brilliant Cut Diamond has how many Facets?

22) What causes a Diamond to have a Fish-Eye?

23) What Facets on a Brilliant Cut are Octagon?

24) What Power Magnification are Diamonds Graded with?

25) What causes Fire in a Diamond?

26) What’s a Bearded Girdle?

27) What’s the MM Width of an 1 CT Ideal Cut Diamond?

28) What’s the Rarest Diamond Color?

29) A 1 Carat Diamond has how many Points?

30) The Total Depth of a Diamond is a Combo of what?

31) Can Diamonds Float in Water?

32) What’s the most well-known Diamond in the World?

33) How much Earth is Mined for a 1 Carat Diamond?

34) The word ‘Diamond’ comes from where?

35) What causes a Diamond to feel warm to the touch?

36) What year did the Engagement Ring start?

37) Diamond is what State’s Official Gemstone?

38) Diamond is the Birthstone for what Month?

39) What’s the most Popular Cut of Diamond?

40) Are there Diamonds in Outer Space?

41) A Diamond Trigon is what?

42) What is Diamond Scintillation?

43) Diamond is the Traditional Anniversary Gift for what Years?

44) Who Devised the 4C’s?

45) Flaws on the outside of a Diamond are called what?

46) Where do Star Facets appear?

47) Fancy Cut Diamonds are what Cuts?

48) What gives a Diamond a Bullet Hole?

49) What are Hearts and Arrows referring to?

50) What is a Nail Head in a Diamond?

And NOW, onto the ANSWERS!

Remember, PRINTABLE VERSIONS of these, and the Answers, appear here:

50 Diamond Questions 50 Diamond Answers

As well as at the end of this post! :)

1) How are Diamonds Formed?

Diamonds are made from 100% Pure Carbon (Diamond DNA), and formed by intense heat and pressure inside the Earth’s Mantle. They are then brought to the Earth’s Surface through Volcanic Eruptions via Lamproite Pipes. When the Magma cools, it leaves behind Kimberlite Rock, which is the parent rock that Diamonds are found in.

2) How Old are Diamonds?

Diamonds were created anywhere from 1 Billion – 3.3 Billion years ago… almost as old as the Earth itself!

3) What Crystal System is a Diamond?

The Crystal System of a Diamond is Isometric-Hexoctahedral (Cubic).

4) What Causes Diamonds to have Color?

Impurities, Minerals or Defects that mix with the Diamond Carbon upon creation give Diamonds their Color. Baron = Blue, Nitrogen = Yellow, Lattice = Brown, Radiation = Green, Purple, Pink, Orange or Red.

5) What’s the Largest Diamond in the World?

The largest Diamond in the World is the Cullinan Diamond which weighs 3,106 Carats.

6) What’s the Oldest Recorded Diamond in History?

Diamonds were first recorded over 3,000 years ago in India. The name of the oldest Diamond is the Briolette of India (90.38 Carats), dating back to the 12th Century.

There is also mention of Diamond (as well Emerald, and Sapphire) in the Bible; The Book of Exodus.

7) How are Diamond’s Priced?

Diamonds are mainly priced by the 4C’s: Cut, Color, Clarity and Carat Weight.

But, other factors contribute to the price as well: Shape, Polish, Symmetry, Florescence and Certification.

They all make up the going rate of Diamonds, how they are priced, sold and purchased.

8) What Clarities are Eye-Clean?

Eye-Clean means that when you look at a Diamond face up (looking directly down into the top of the stone), you won’t see any Flaws or Imperfections in the stone.

Eye-Clean Clarities are: Flawless (FL), Internally Flawless (IF), Very, Very Slightly Included (VVS1 & VVS2), Very Slightly Included (VS1 & VS2), Slightly Included (SI1 & SI2), and Included or Imperfect (I1, I2 & I3).

9) What’s the most Popular Diamond Clarity?

The most Popular Clarity is SI1 Clarity, because the Flaws are small, microscopic only, and is a nice mix of good quality and affordability at the same time. Flaws in an SI1 Diamond (or higher) can only be seen under 10x magnification.

10) Why is there no A,B,C of Diamond Color?

There is no A,B,C because Diamond Graders, who were devising a more accurate system for Grading Diamonds, didn’t want to confuse the letters with other older terms (A,B,C in the early 1900’s) that were used to vaguely represent the Quality of a Diamond. This system is no longer used today, hence the reason why Diamond Color starts with D (the best) and continues all the way down the Alphabet to Z.

11) What Clarities look Flawless to the Naked Eye?

Flawless appearing Clarity Grades are: Flawless (FL), Internally Flawless (IF), Very, Very Slightly Included (VVS1 & VVS2), Very Slightly Included (VS1 & VS2), Slightly Included Level 1 (SI1). These Clarities will all look identical to the naked eye, because all of the Inclusions are invisible to the eye, and only seen under 10x magnification.

12) What Diamonds Glow-In-The-Dark?

Some Diamonds have a natural phenomenon called Fluorescence and will Glow-In-The-Dark (under UV light). Fluorescence comes in 4 Grades: Faint, Medium, Strong and Very Strong.

13) What’s the average selling Carat Weight?

The average selling Carat Weight for Diamond Engagement Rings is only .38 Points… Just a little over 1/3 Carat.

14) Can Diamonds really cut Glass?

YES! Glass on the Moh’s Scale of Hardness is a 6-7, while Diamond is a 10. So anything harder than Glass can cut Glass.

But, I wouldn’t try this on a faceted Diamond, for you may chip or break the vulnerable edge of the stone by sheer force and pressure.

15) What’s the Absolute Hardness of Diamond?

While a Diamond is a 10 on the Moh’s Scale, this is just a relative number. The actual real hardness of a Diamond is 1600. The next more durable substance is Corundum (Ruby & Sapphire), which has an Absolute Hardness of 400. Big Difference!

16) Where does the word ‘Carat’ come from?

The Term ‘Carat’ (as in Carat Weight), comes from the Carob Seeds that Diamonds were originally weighed from. Carob Seeds (from a Carob Tree) are pretty uniform in shape, size and weight, so they made the most perfect balance for weighing Diamonds, that is, until the invention of the Diamond Scale! :)

17) Who devised the Ideal Cut Diamond?

A man by the name of Marcel Tolkowsky invented the Ideal Cut Diamond back in 1919.

18) Are Diamonds the Hardest Substance on Earth?

No! Diamonds are the hardest ‘Natural‘ substance that Mother Nature makes, but man combines Diamond with Synthetic Minerals to form Aggregated Diamond Nanorods! This man-made substance is much harder than a genuine Diamond.

19) How much Heat does it take for a Diamond to burn?

A Diamond’s Melting Point (as well as it’s Freezing Point), is 3550 Celsius (6422 Fahrenheit). The Boiling Point of Diamonds is 4827 Celsius (8720.6 Fahrenheit).

20) What can Scratch a Diamond?

The only real substance that can scratch, or leave a mark on a Diamond, is another Diamond! Which is why Diamond Dust is used on saws that cut Diamonds and Facet them! :)

21) A Brilliant Cut Diamond has how many Facets?

A Brilliant Cut Diamond (Today’s Standard Round Diamond) has 58 Facets on them. 57 if the Diamond has no Culet!

22) What causes a Diamond to have a Fish-Eye?

A Diamond that is Cut too Shallow (less than 51% Depth), will have the Girdle of the Diamond reflected around the Table of the stone, which looks like a ring, or a Fish Eye.

23) What Facets on a Brilliant Cut are Octagon?

There are two Facets on a Round Brilliant Cut Diamond that are Octagon in Shape: The Table and the Culet.

24) What Power Magnification are Diamonds Graded with?

Ten Power (10x) is what Jewelers use to Grade Diamonds with.

25) What causes Fire in a Diamond?

Fire, which is flashes of colored light, is caused by light coming into the Diamond at an angle, which then bends the light, and forms all the colors of a rainbow.

26) What’s a Bearded Girdle?

A Diamond that has small hairline chips around the outer edge of the Girdle is called a Bearded Girdle. This is caused by normal wear and tear to the stone over the course of a lifetime. It can happen to any Diamond if it gets banged around enough.

27) What’s the MM Width of an 1 CT Ideal Cut Diamond?

The width of an 1 Carat Ideal Cut Diamond, from one side of the stone to the opposite side, is 6.5 mm.

28) What’s the Rarest Diamond Color?

Pink is the rarest Diamond Color there is, and the most expensive as well. :)

29) A 1 Carat Diamond has how many Points?

There are 100 Points to a 1 Carat (1.00) Diamond… Almost like Pennies to a Dollar!

30) The Total Depth of a Diamond is a Combo of what?

To get the Total Diamond Depth, you’ll need to combine the Crown, the Girdle and the Pavilion of the Diamond. These 3 things will give you the Total Diamond Depth, which on an Ideal Cut Diamond is 58.7 – 62.3%.

31) Can Diamonds Float in Water?

No! Diamonds are heavier than water and will sink to the bottom. This is all due to the Specific Gravity of a Diamond. Diamond is a 3.52, while Water is only 1.00.

32) What’s the most well-known Diamond in the World?

The Hope Diamond, which is a large (45.52 Carats) Blue Diamond (actually Blue-Green), is the most popular and most well-known Diamond in the world. Harry Winston donated the Diamond to the Smithsonian Institute, where it’s been on display since 1958.

33) How much Earth is Mined for a 1 Carat Diamond?

It takes 250 tons of Earth to be excavated just to obtain a Diamond of 1.00 Carat in weight.

34) The word ‘Diamond’ comes from where?

The word ‘Diamond‘ comes from the Greek word ‘Adamas‘, which literally means ‘Unbreakable‘.

35) What causes a Diamond to feel warm to the touch?

Diamonds have a high Thermal Conductivity, which makes them feel warm to the touch. Their outstanding Thermal Conductivity is also what allows Diamond Testers to determine if a particular stone is Diamond or not.

36) What year did the Engagement Ring start?

1477 is when Archduke Maximilian started the whole Engagement Ring craze!

37) Diamond is what State’s Official Gemstone?

Arkansas is the state with Diamond as its Gemstone.

38) Diamond is the Birthstone for what Month?

April Birthday’s have the Diamond as their Birthstone.

39) What’s the most Popular Cut of Diamond?

The most popular CUT of Diamond is the Round Brilliant Cut Diamond. It’s also the most expensive CUT! :)

40) Are there Diamonds in Outer Space?

Yes! Diamonds have been found in Meteorites!

41) A Diamond Trigon is what?

A Trigon is a triangular shaped growth pattern that can sometimes appear on a Diamond, normally around the Girdle, or on a Natural.

42) What is Diamond Scintillation?

Scintillation is what they call the Sparkle Effects in a Diamond.

43) Diamond is the Traditional Anniversary Gift for what Years?

There are many Traditional Anniversaries that use Diamond as the Gift to give: The 9th, 10th, 15th, 17th, 20th, and 30th Anniversaries. But really, Diamond is perfect for ALL Anniversaries. :)

44) Who Devised the 4C’s?

GIA (The Gemological Institute of America) devised and developed the 4C’s in 1949 to standardize the Diamond’s Grading Industry.

45) Flaws on the outside of a Diamond are called what?

Flaws on the outside of a Diamond are called Blemishes. While Flaws on the inside of the Diamond are called Inclusions.

46) Where do Star Facets appear?

Star Facets appear around the outside of the Table, on the Crown of the Diamond.

47) Fancy Cut Diamonds are what Cuts?

Any Cut of Diamond that is NOT the Brilliant Cut is called a “Fancy Cut“. Cuts like the: Marquise Cut, Princess Cut, Trilliant Cut, Emerald Cut, Pear Cut, Radiant Cut, Oval Cut, Heart Cut and Baguette Cut Diamond.

48) What gives a Diamond a Bullet Hole?

A Diamond with a large Culet can make a Diamond look like there’s a hole in the stone, which gives the appearance of a Bullet Hole.

49) What are Hearts and Arrows referring to?

When a Diamond is Cut to Ideal Proportions AND Ideal Symmetry, it’s called a Super-Ideal Cut Diamond (Some Jewelers call these several different names: Signature Cut, Hearts and Arrows, True Hearts…). They all refer to viewing the stone with a special Jeweler’s Loupe that shows off the beauty of the faceting and the perfection of the cut. From the Bottom View, these Diamonds will show Hearts in the Facets, and from the Top View, these expertly Cut Diamonds will show Arrows.

50) What is a Nail Head in a Diamond?

When a Diamond is Cut too deep, beyond 70.9%, light leaks out the bottom of the stone making the center of the stone appear dark, which looks like a Nail Head.

Downloadable Printable Diamond Questions

Here are the FREE Downloadable PDF files that you can Print out and Hand out to your Students.

50 Diamond Questions 50 Diamond Answers

Any Questions about these Questions, or the Assignment, let me know.

Thanks Much! :)

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Recommended Diamond Vendors:

James Allen

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Blue Nile

Blue Nile

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Blue Nile

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