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Engraving Bible Verses, Quotes, Religious Sayings Inside Rings

Engraving Quotes, Sayings and Phrases Inside Rings is Nothing New.

I have an Entire Article about some of the Best Things to Engrave

But it doesn’t help you much when you’re looking for Bible Verses.

Engraving Verses is Not an Easy Task

I mean, there is only so much Ring and so much Space to Engrave a Message on.

Often you can only get a Couple of Words Engraved, like God is Love, or God is Good, or God Loves Me. And, usually the Message or Verse will also Compete with the Karat Stamp (i.e. 14k) or other Identifying Marks Inside the Ring.

Can an Entire Passage or Verse be Engraved?


But you may have to look Hard to Find a Jeweler who has an Engraving Machine Capable of using Small Font, or even Double Row Text like you see in the Image.

If you don’t find one, you can always just put your Favorite Bible Verse Number Instead: John 3:16.

Many people still like to see Words Though and to Read them Out Loud. It keeps it Close at Hand and Close to your Thoughts and Prayers.

So here is a List of some Great Bible Verses (Condensed) that could be Engraved Inside a Ring Shank.

Keep in mind, this also Depends on How Wide your Ring is, or what Size it is. A Size 4 will Fit Much Less Text than a Size 10. And Generally a Thinner Band can’t Contain Double Lines of Engraving. Check with your Jeweler, and check around Town to see what they offer.

If you have some Good Verses that Would Work Inside Rings, Pass them on and I will Append this article.


Genesis 1:1

In the Beginning…
John 3:16

For God so loved the World
Romans 6:23

For the wages of Sin is Death
Revelation 3:20

Here I am!
Romans 3:23

For all have Sinned
John 14:6

I am the Way and the Truth
Ephesians 2:8

By Grace you have been Saved
2 Corinthians 5:17

The New has Come!
Romans 8:28

God works for the Good
Isaiah 40:30

Soar on Wings like Eagles
Romans 8:28

God works for the Good
Isaiah 40:30

Soar on Wings like Eagles
Matthew 11:28

Come to Me
Matthew 11:28

I will give you rest
Matthew 11:28

Take my Yoke upon you
Psalm 27:1

The Lord is my Light
Lamentations 3:22

Great is your Faithfulness
2 Corinthians 4:18

Delight yourself in the Lord
Proverbs 3:5

Trust the Lord
Philippians 4:13

I can do all things through Christ
Galatians 2:20

Christ lives in me
James 1:22

Do what it says
1 Corinthians 15:58

Stand Firm
1 Corinthians 15:58

Let nothing move you
James 4:7

Resist the Devil
1 John 4:7

Loves comes from God
1 John 4:7

God is Love
Acts 1:8

You will receive power
Psalm 119:105

Your word is a lamp
James 5:16

Confess your Sins
1 Corinthians 10:13

No temptation
Micah 6:8

He has showed you
Matthew 25:40

I tell you the truth
Matthew 28:19

To the very end of the age
Matthew 5:16

Let your light shine
Deuteronomy 31:6

Be strong and courageous
1 Corinthians 10:13

God is faithful
Deuteronomy 31:6

Do not fear or be dismayed
Psalm 9:9

The Lord is a stronghold
Psalm 23:4

You are with me
John 14:27

Peace I leave with you
John 14:27

My peace I give to you
Romans 8:6

The spirit is life and peace
John 6:47

Whoever believes has eternal life
Hebrews 11:1

Faith is the foundation
1 Peter 1:7

Your faith will be proved
Colossians 2:13

God gave you life
Matthew 14:30

Lord, save me
Matthew 9:22

Your faith has healed you
2 Peter 3:10

The day of the Lord will come
Philippians 3:1

Rejoice in the Lord
Colossians 3:13

Endure one another
1 John 3:13

Don’t be surprised if the world hates you
Ephesians 1:4

God chose us
2 Timothy 2:24

Be kind to everyone
Corinthians 13:4

Love is patient
Jude 2

Mercy, Peace and Love
Luke 17:21

God’s Kingdom is within you
Psalm 73:2

My feet had almost stumbled
Psalm 18:21

I kept to the Lord’s Paths
Psalm 62:8

Pour out your thoughts to him
Psalm 7:1

I take refuge in you
Matthew 10:19

You’ll be given what to say
Revelation 22:12

Look, I am coming quickly
1 Corinthians 16:13

Do everything with love
Psalm 25:2

I trust you, my God
Proverbs 10:12

Love covers all sins
Psalm 58:10

The right ears will rejoice
Psalm 70:5

Lord, do not delay
John 15:11

My joy may be in you
Mark 11:22

Have faith in God
John 14:15

Keep my commandments
Luke 6:33

Love your enemies
Psalm 26:3

Your love is my example
Psalm 56:13

Walk in God’s presence
John 14:6

I am the way
Psalm 11:1

I take refuge in the Lord
Psalm 23:3

He restores my life
Hebrews 4:12

God’s word is alive
Psalm 52:9

I will rely on your name
Pslam 66:13

I will fulfill my vows
Isaiah 66:33

So will I comfort you
John 1:1

In the beginning was the word
Psalm 4:8

Make me live in safety
Galatians 5:22

The fruit of the spirit is love
Matthew 5:5

Inherit the earth
Matthew 4:10

Sneak away, Satan
Philippians 4:4

Psalm 23:1

I deeply love you, Lord
Hebrews 3:1

Think about Jesus
Psalm 66:10

You have tested us, God
Psalm 16:1

Protect me, God
Proverbs 3:5

Trust in Yahweh
John 5:25

Those who hear will live
Acts 18:9

Don’t be afraid
Psalm 62:8

Trust at all times
Jude 20

Pray in the Holy Spirit
Psalm 145:3

His greatness has no limit
Matthew 4:6

Don’t challenge the Lord
James 1:22

Obey the message
Matthew 10:38

Take their cross and follow me
John 1:5

God is light
Corinthians 9:7

God loves a cheerful giver
Romans 6:23

God’s gift is eternal
Psalm 31:14

You are my God
Psalm 31:14

My future is in your hands
2 Corinthians 1:18

God is reliable
2 Thessalonians 3:4

Trust in the Lord
Romans 8:9

God’s Spirit lives in you
1 Thessalonians 5:24

The one calling you can be trusted
Revelation 14:17

Judgement hour has come
Matthew 5:5

The gentle should be happy
John 6:63

The spirit gives life
Exodus 14:14

The Lord is fighting for you
Psalm 3:7

Save me, my God
Luke 8:48

Go in Peace
Psalm 18:28

You are my lamp
Psalm 103:1

Praise his holy name
1 Corinthians 13:7

Always trust
Psalm 12:6

The Lord’s words are pure
Mark 13:33

Stay alert
Mark 13:33

The time will come
Matthew 5:33

Repay your vows to the Lord
Matthew 5:12

Rejoice and jump for joy
Philippians 4:6

Don’t worry about anything
Proverbs 22:4

Yahweh is riches, honor and life
Psalm 3:8

Salvation is from the Lord
Psalm 119:144

Give me understanding
1 Timothy 6:18

Be rich in good works
Isaiah 26:3

He trusts you
Psalm 16:2

You are my master
Psalm 16:2

There’s nothing above you
Romans 15:11

Let all nations sing praise
1 Timothy 6:19

Acquire a good foundation
Galations 3:28

You are all equal
Psalm 62:1

My soul finds rest in God
Jeremiah 29:11

I know the plans I have for you
Philippians 4:6

Present your requests to God
Romans 12:1

Offer your bodies as living sacrifices
Romans 5:8

Christ died for us
Joshua 1:9

Have I not commanded you?
Galations 5:23

Gentleness and self-control
Isaiah 53:5

By his wounds we are healed
2 Timothy 3:16

All scripture is God-breathed
Hebrew 12:2

Fix our eyes on Jesus
1 Peter 5:7

Cast all your anxiety on him
Hebrew 13:5

Be content with what you have
Hebrew 13:5

Never will I forsake you
2 Corinthians 12:9

My power is made perfect
2 Corinthians 12:9

Christ’s power may rest on me
Romans 10:9

Jesus is Lord
Isaiah 41:10

I am with you
Genesis 1:26

Let us make man in our image
Matthew 11:29

I am gentle and humble in heart
John 16:33

In me you may have peace
John 16:33

I have overcome the world
Romans 15:13

May the God of hope fill you
Hebrew 11:6

Without faith it is impossible to please
John 5:24

I tell you the truth
Isaiah 53:6

We all have gone astray
John 1:1

The word was God
I Corinthians 6:19

Your body is a temple
I Corinthians 6:19

You are not your own
Hebrew 4:12

The word of God is living
John 15:13

Greater love has no one than this
Colossians 3:23

Work at it with all your heart
Matthew 22:37

Love the Lord your God
Matthew 5:16

Praise your Father in Heaven

Longer Bible Verses

You may even be able to Fit Some Longer Verses in your Ring if you find the Right Jeweler with the Right Equipment.

Like: John 14:6

No One Comes To The Father Except Through Me

And you could also list Sayings and Phrases that are Religious and Full of Meaning, like:

Those who Believe Shall Not Perish

Teach the Word of God

My Cup Runneth Over

Christ Jesus is the Cornerstone

Guide me, oh Lord!

Call to God

Do not Forsake thee?

He will Never Fail you!

God goes with you

Father, Son, Holy Spirit

Or whatever else comes from the Heart and makes you…

Sing Out Loud!

Remember, this stays with you at all Times and no one else needs to know. :)


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10x Jewelers Loupe Jewelers Microscope

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  1. I need rings and bracelets with bible verses,… I love what u are doing. . .

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