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Correct Order of the Wedding Rings?

Does the order in which you Wear your Wedding Band and Engagement Ring on your Wedding Ring Finger really matter?

Are there any real reasons why the Wedding Rings have a particular stacking order to them?

Let’s Find Out…

It’s a really crazy thing, because the order of the Wedding Rings doesn’t make any sense at all… But we’ll get to this in a minute. First, we’ll get the answer: The Correct Order that the Rings go on your Finger is this…

The Wedding Ring goes on the Finger FIRST!

Wedding Ring First on the Ring Finger…

Then the Engagement Ring second.

But the whole order of things doesn’t hold water.

Why? Because of what happens at the Altar! That’s right! The Altar.

Let me Explain!

You wear an Engagement Ring the entire time you’re Engaged. It could be days, it could be years. You wear it by itself on the Wedding Ring Finger. (Which is the 4th finger on the Left hand!) Then comes the Wedding Day! Your Wedding Ring is placed on your Ring Finger during the Ceremony at the Altar.

But there’s a Problem to doing this…

Because the Engagement Ring is already there! This adds confusion.

Do you Remove the Engagement Ring, put the Wedding Ring on, then Replace the Engagement Ring with hundreds of people watching? Lots of couples don’t know. Or, do you slip the Wedding Band on, leaving the Engagement Ring where it’s at, and have her switch the order later, after the Wedding?

I’ll tell you the best two things to do, so you don’t make the transition any more confusing than it really is!

Here are your Choices:

1) Have her start the Wedding without Rings on her finger, and slip them BOTH on at the same time during the Ceremony. Or…

2) Like I already said, just Slide the Wedding Ring on behind the Engagement Ring and have her swap their places later.

You may have problems with the latter if the Wedding Ring is an Insert. (An Insert or Jacket, is where the Engagement Ring slips inside of two Rings…

That’s why they call it an “Insert!”)

Those will have to be done in Advance!

If the Rings don’t fit well, or easy. If they Interlock or Hook, or are just Soldered together, then by all means, have the two Rings already together, then put the two Rings on at the same time during the Wedding.

If the Wedding Band is just a Channel Set Diamond Band, or a Plain Gold Band, then it’s fine to have her wear her Engagement Ring during the Ceremony and slip the Band on at the Altar.

It all depends on the Style of Rings you have. They will either fit flush and easy, or they’ll be Difficult and a Pain to get right. If it’s a pain, do it ahead of time!

What’s interesting about this whole Tradition of putting a Wedding Ring on next to the Engagement Ring, is that times are changing rapidly!

Change is Good?

A lot of Rings that you find in the Jewelry Stores Today are sold as a One-Piece Ring.

That means it stands for everything!

It’s both the Engagement Ring AND the Wedding Band! It’s the Entire Package. This way, she has one Ring to begin with, she gets that Ring put on her during the Wedding, and that’s all she gets! One ring to rule them all! (Most of the time, these Rings are a little bit wider than a normal Ring!)

One-Piece Wedding Rings makes the crazy time at the Altar, Smooth, Effortless, and a Piece of Cake. (Mmmmm, I Love Wedding Cake!)

That’s a Wrap…

Some couples have the ever popular Classic Engagement Ring, which is a standard Tiffany-Style Solitaire Ring. (Like the Pear-Shaped Diamond in the Picture)

One of the choices you can use as a Wedding Ring with Solitaires are what they call Wraps! Wraps are Rings that “Wrap” around the center Diamond. (See Picture for a Wrap!)

Sometimes they go all the way around the Solitaire, other times they just fit on either side of the Diamond.

What’s funny about these, is that people don’t know which side is the Wedding Band side, since it’s wrapped around your Engagement Ring, it’s hard to tell. Each Wrap is different, so you’ll have to look good to see which Band is actually the Wedding Band.

The Side that has the Wedding Band goes on the Finger First!

But that still leaves one Big Question…

Why DOES the Wedding Ring go on the Finger First?

We know HOW, but what about the WHY?

People always want to know who made up this madness and why? Here we go… The Wedding Ring is put on the Ring Finger First, because myth says, that the Wedding Ring is always worn CLOSEST to the Heart! Aww! How Special!

Why the 4th Finger?

And why are the Wedding Rings put on the 4th Finger of the Left Hand? You’re going to love this one as well…

Myth states that the Wedding Ring Finger was the Finger used, because that was the Finger that had a vein in it, that ran directly to the Heart! WOW! You see, it’s all about Love and Romance. (And Gold and Diamonds… and Veins!) This wonderful myth or legend may not be correct, but somehow, the tradition still lives on Today!

Last Word on the Wedding Rings…

Make sure the rings fit together properly, and make sure they fit together on Her!

People don’t know this, but normally when you add the Wedding Ring to the Engagement Ring, you’ll have to get them sized up at least 1/4 size larger to fit.

That’s correct! At least a 1/4 size, if not more! (Don’t wait until the big day to realize this!) But it’s the truth, 2 Rings take up more space on your finger than one Ring. Taking up more space means, they’ll fit snugger! Make sure you have it checked out ahead of time. (It could be embarrassing at the altar trying to force the Rings on!)

Speaking of Weddings…

Don’t Forget This:

Get both Rings Polished and Cleaned BEFORE your Wedding Day!

You don’t want Wedding Photos taken of a Dirty Ring!

Get them Professionally Cleaned and Polished. (And Soldered together if necessary!) (Read my blog about: Should you get your Rings Soldered Together Before the Wedding?) And remember… Make sure you wear the Wedding Band closest to your Heart!

Tradition or not… You can’t Fool the Heart!

Recommended Jewelry Supplies:

Ultrasonic Jewelry Cleaner Jewelry Steam Cleaner Complete Jewelry Cleaner Kit Diamond Dazzle Stick
Gold Silver Jewelry Polishing Cloths Jewelry Making Supplies Kit Gold Acid Test Kit Watch Tool Repair Kit
Ring Adjusters EMT Emergency Ring Cutter 10x Jewelers Loupe Jewelers Microscope

Recommended Jewelry Supplies:

Ultrasonic Jewelry Cleaner Jewelry Steam Cleaner
Complete Jewelry Cleaner Kit Diamond Dazzle Stick
Gold Silver Jewelry Polishing Cloths Jewelry Making Supplies Kit
Gold Acid Test Kit Watch Tool Repair Kit
Ring Adjusters EMT Emergency Ring Cutter
10x Jewelers Loupe Jewelers Microscope

Recommended Diamond Vendors:

James Allen

James Allen

James Allen is a leader in diamonds. Their real time interactive diamond inspection is the best in the industry. View and rotate any diamond under 20x magnification. Their prices, selection, lifetime warranty, 24/7 customer support and hassle free returns are unbeatable. Visit James Allen today.

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Blue Nile

Blue Nile

Blue Nile is the largest and most well known respected diamond dealer online. They are highly trusted, have a huge inventory, and low low prices (compare anywhere and see for yourself). If you want to save money, or build your own ring, this is the place to shop. Visit Blue Nile today.

Blue Nile


  1. Great post! I’ve always been extra sensitive to this issue for some odd reason, and to see women wearing their rings “backwards” just makes my teeth grind! I have no clue why it’s such a very sensitive “sore spot” for me, but there it is. It also is aggravating no END for me to see vendors ads, marketers posts on eBay and the like especially, and sales flyers photographs showing a set of wedding and engagement rings worn backwards with the engagement ring first on the finger and the wedding band worn on the outside! I’ve even had some women tell me they do it that way because the engagement ring is too big and the smaller wedding band keeps it from sliding off! Hey, get your ring SIZED properly please?!

    As for the myth of the “Vena Amoris” running from 4th finger left, straight to the heart, I can speak anatomically on that one! There is NO ONE VEIN that actually runs in an anatomical sense TO the heart directly from any finger. All the tiny little veins in your fingers run back to the heart by first linking up with increasingly larger veins as the distance to the heart gets closer, eventually becoming a very large vein, (technically it’s referred to as an artery as it returns to the heart and lungs, but for our purposes, I’ll try to keep it simple) returning all the deoxygenated blood it has picked up along the way, to the lungs to get reoxygenated, (after it’s dropped off its cargo of waste products, being cleaned by various organs, like the liver and kidneys) and then sent back out of the lungs and heart again through the system of arteries that carry only freshly oxygenated blood to all parts of the body, beginning with the aorta and decreasing in size as they go. This continues until they become tiny microscopic arterioles that feed individual cells in the tissues. Then, on the other side of this linkup, it goes to the equally tiny venules, that carry back the blood, now relieved of its oxygen supply, a little bluer because of it, and exchanged for the waste products of cellular metabolism and carbon dioxide. And round and round we go!

    So you see, all fingers are treated equally when it comes to blood supply, which is as it should be, if they are all to do their specialized jobs, like be so very sensitive to touch! The nerves must be fed!

    • I’ve never really looked in catalogs and fliers for the rings being worn backwards… I’ll have to check that out! :)
      And as far as all the fingers being treated equally… Well then that only means one thing: An engagement ring for every finger! Right? ;)

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