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What are chocolate diamonds?
Can you eat them? Ha, I jest.
First off, let me compliment the creators for the name “chocolate diamonds“. They did a good job grabbing people’s interest, because everyone loves chocolate. The wide appeal chocolate has on the world is sure to help generate sales. Who doesn’t want chocolate dripping off their fingers?
Plenty want it.
Just look at all the awesome chocolate diamond rings on Amazon as an example.
So what are chocolate diamonds?
Chocolate diamonds are none other than brown diamonds (not diamonds dipped in chocolate). They are natural (although I’m sure a few have been heat-treated to enhance the color) and come in many different shades of brown.
Other brown diamonds sell under such fun names as: cognac, cinnamon, clove, honey and the best-known, “champagne” colored diamonds (champagne diamonds are lighter brown colored diamonds that have been around for many, many years – millions).
Chocolate colored diamonds are a much deeper, darker brown hue. Celebrities and stars all across hollywood boulevard are sporting chocolate diamonds from big-name jewelers and designers.
Heck, even the king of Thailand has a huge chocolate diamond (called the Golden Jubilee) that weighs 545.67 carats. That’s rich!
Fancy colors:
There are a lot of other colored diamonds on the market as well. Colors like blue diamonds (Caribbean blue diamonds), yellow diamonds, orange diamonds, red diamonds, black diamonds, green diamonds and pink diamonds. The term fancy color is given to diamonds that have a deep intense coloring and are graded below Z (Z+) on the GIA diamond color chart.
But what about chocolate diamonds?
Where do they fit in?
While it’s true that intense brown diamonds can be called fancy, it’s also true that brown diamonds are nothing more than diamonds with poor color (like N-Z on the color chart). These lower quality diamonds often look yellowish or brown in tone. They used to be not desirable and most jewelers frown upon them.
But chocolate diamonds are deeper than most brown diamonds. The color is darker, the hue stronger. Some brown diamonds are actually considered “fancy color“, and the prices of these stones is insane. But the browns that you see in the jewelry store are not termed “fancy“. They are just brown, and are much more affordable. To be a fancy, the color needs to be beyond a certain brown color range, be consistent in hue, depth and color distribution.
Either way, chocolate diamonds are becoming all the rage that’s for sure. With momentum and high demand the prices may increase… Or they could just drift away after a couple of years.
To me, they’re brown and pretty and I love them. Beautiful styles and designs mixed with rose gold, yellow gold and white. Granted, the jewelers still have to match up all those brown diamonds in order to make a ring, pendant or bracelet (they have to match in color so they look good together), but they’re still brown no matter how you look at it…
Brown is brown!
I will say I am highly impressed at the pieces of jewelry they have created with these brown diamonds (and LeVian does chocolate diamonds the best)… A stunning work of art. Setting chocolate diamonds looks so rich and delicious.
With elegant pieces and great prices, why not indulge yourself?
Here are some examples of chocolate diamond jewelry:
But heads up…
It’s all about color.
Meaning, the clarity may be low (just make sure it doesn’t look bad)… With colored diamonds, color rules!
All in all, there is nothing wrong with chocolate diamonds. Even though they are low in color, I still adore them.
I also like black diamonds and all the fun colors of fancies. Variety is good. Unusual different pieces are sure to attract attention.
Are chocolate diamonds right for you? A lot of women like earth-tones and will certainly love them. Others will just think they’re dinosaur doo-doo.
Me, I think they’re interesting, trendy, fun, fat-free and cheap. You gotta love that. If you like brown, go for it. Enjoy.
With a name like chocolate, what have you got to lose?
Top reasons to buy chocolate diamonds:
I’ve put together a list of great reasons why chocolate diamonds are awesome, and why you should buy one. Check it out: Good things about chocolate diamonds.
And check out this fine collection below of LeVian chocolate diamonds at Kay Jewelers.
Beautiful stuff, isn’t it?
Also, check out LeVian’s new NUDE diamonds here!
Cheers! :)