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You ever find yourself surfing around the Discovery and Animal Planet channels? Ever land on Bigfoot shows, like Finding Bigfoot?

They are a hoot. Grown men sneaking around the forest and bush at night, jumping at every crack, creak, and squeak… It’s actually quite fun, if you believe in that stuff.

Hey, that’s Sasquatch poo poo!

HA! So for all those that enjoy the bizarre, supernatural, mythical creatures, and mayhem, let’s dive into some cool Bigfoot trivia, and some inspired Bigfoot bling; bracelets, pendants, earrings, rings… It’s a roar!

Bigfoot Trivia:

1. Origin of the name: The term “Bigfoot” was coined in the late 1950s to describe large, bipedal creatures reported in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. It is also known by other regional names such as Sasquatch, Yeti, and Yowie.

2. Native American legends: Long before European settlers arrived, Native American tribes had their own legends and folklore surrounding similar creatures. Various tribes, especially those from the Pacific Northwest, described encounters with large, hairy, man-like beings living in the wilderness.

3. Patterson-Gimlin film: The most famous piece of alleged evidence supporting the existence of Bigfoot is the Patterson-Gimlin film. Shot in 1967, it shows a creature walking through a forest clearing in Bluff Creek, California. The film is highly controversial, with skeptics arguing it could be a hoax.

4. Footprint discoveries: Numerous large footprints attributed to Bigfoot have been found over the years. These prints often measure around 15 to 24 inches (38 to 61 cm) in length. Some have dermal ridges, similar to human fingerprints, adding to the intrigue.

5. Global sightings: While Bigfoot is commonly associated with North America, similar creature sightings have been reported worldwide. In the Himalayas, the mythical Yeti, or Abominable Snowman, is believed to be a close relative of Bigfoot. Other regions with similar legends include Australia (Yowie) and Russia (Almasty).

6. Cultural impact: Bigfoot has become a pop culture icon, appearing in numerous films, documentaries, and television shows. It has inspired a dedicated community of researchers, enthusiasts, and skeptics who continue to investigate its existence.

7. Hoaxes and pranks: Bigfoot sightings have often been associated with elaborate hoaxes and pranks. One notable example is the 2008 “Georgia Bigfoot Hoax,” where two men claimed to have found a Bigfoot corpse in a freezer, only to reveal later that it was a costume filled with animal parts.

8. Scientific skepticism: The scientific community remains largely skeptical about the existence of Bigfoot. The lack of verifiable evidence, such as bones or DNA samples, has led most scientists to consider Bigfoot as a product of folklore, misidentification, or hoaxes.

9. Bigfoot conventions: Bigfoot enthusiasts gather at conventions and conferences dedicated to the subject. These events feature guest speakers, exhibits of alleged Bigfoot evidence, and discussions on the latest research and findings.

10. Bounty and rewards: Over the years, several individuals and organizations have offered cash rewards for verifiable evidence of Bigfoot’s existence. Despite these incentives, no conclusive evidence has been presented to date.

Bigfoot Jewelry:


So… Do you believe?

If you do, let everyone know with some fun, hairy, skunk ape jewelry here on Amazon!

Cheers! :)

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Complete Jewelry Cleaner Kit Diamond Dazzle Stick
Gold Silver Jewelry Polishing Cloths Jewelry Making Supplies Kit
Gold Acid Test Kit Watch Tool Repair Kit
Ring Adjusters EMT Emergency Ring Cutter
10x Jewelers Loupe Jewelers Microscope

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