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Everyone has heard of the Hope diamond.
The Hope diamond is the most well-known blue diamond in the world. But did you know that you could own a blue diamond as well?
Most people don’t realize that blue diamonds are actually on the market, in stores today.
Blue diamonds are a wondrous thing…
Fancy colors:
Fancy diamonds, or diamonds with strong intense natural colors (on the diamond color grading chart, they are below the letter “Z”, which is literally off the charts) can come in all the colors of the rainbow, like pinks, bright vivid yellows, browns, deep greens and of course beautiful shades of intense blue (See these fancy colored diamonds here).
Blue diamonds have always been quite rare. In fact, all fancy colored diamonds are a fluke of nature, rarely seen by the human eye. And when you do find a colored diamond, it was normally quite small, .20 (1/5) carats or less.
Caribbean blue diamonds:
Jewelry stores are now selling wonderful hues of beautiful blue diamonds and have come out with a new diamond line called the “Caribbean blue diamond collection“.
They are truly a sight to see. Intense blues, tropical greens, it’s like looking into the Caribbean sea itself. Set in custom designed rings, pendants, earrings and bracelets, they are so stunning they’ll make your jaw drop (see picture).
I can’t impress enough how breathtaking these really are in person.
Blue diamonds Are NOT fancy stones:
Let me clear up one thing… These blue diamonds that you see in the stores are NOT actual fancy colored diamonds. Fancy colored blue diamonds are very, very rare and very, very expensive. Like for example, this .17 carat Radiant cut fancy blue diamond is selling for $73,400! See what I mean?
The blue colored diamonds that you see in stores are actually man-colored diamonds. These are diamonds that have been heat treated, or color-enhanced to make them strong blue in hue. So the difference between these heated stones, and a real fancy diamond, is that one is made directly from nature, the other isn’t.
No matter what though, they all still look beautiful. And because they were baked in an oven to intensify and change the color of the stone, the prices are low. :) Which is awesome.
You MUST see them:
If you want something different, something bright and full of life, then why not go wild and buy blue diamonds.
A local jewelry store ran out of Caribbean blue diamonds in 2 weeks and had to wait 6 months on back order for more. That’s how hot these items are!
These blue diamonds are intense, eye-clean and will last a lifetime. Plus, blue can be worn with anything.
You have to be a little careful with these colored diamonds though since they have been heat treated to enhance their colors, so don’t leave them sit in an ultrasonic cleaner for too long, and don’t let the jeweler put torch heat to the stones.
Clean them by hand and your blue diamonds will always look like they came right out of the sea.
Buy your blue diamonds HERE!
Cheers! :)