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Ready for some FUN?
Let’s play: Guess this diamond!
Here’s how it goes…
I’ll show you a diamond, and your goal is to see if you can correctly identify the color and clarity of that stone.
Sound simple enough?
It could be, especially since I’ll help you out (Just like I would compare stones with you inside the jewelry store). :)
If you’re the slightest bit familiar with the 4c’s, this may be a breeze. No matter what, I’m sure you’ll be able to narrow it down pretty darn close.
So let’s take a look at the diamond first, it’s a 1.01 princess cut, as seen here:
Think you know it?
Good (I’ll tell you the answer soon…)
If you don’t know it…
Let me help you out. Let me give you some visual aides that can steer you in the right direction.
Diamond Color:
Color can be tricky sometimes, since slight variations can shift a stone from one grade to another, and even one entire range to another…
Take a peek at this diamond color chart…
As you can see from the image, “Colorless” is 3 grades: D, E, or F. “Near Colorless” is 4 grades: G, H, I, or J. The color is definitely one of these top 7 color grades (the most popular colors found in stores today).
Does that make color a little bit easier to distinguish?
Diamond Clarity:
Clarity can be hard to tell, since inclusions can be white (harder to see), or black (obvious to the eye).
Do you have a wild guess?
Look at the diamond clarity chart below to narrow it down…
Think you got it now?
Good. Save it…
For there’s one more thing I want you to guess…
The Price!
The price? Yes… Color and clarity are 2 main factors in the price of a diamond. i.e. Can you see inclusions or not? Can you see color in the diamond?
But another factor is how it actually looks. It’s appearance to the eye. How beautiful it is. i.e. Is the stone dark? Does it have a lot of sparkle? How does it react with light when tilted???
By visually comparing how this princess cut faces up with other princess cuts, you may be able to pick a target price range that seems somewhat appropriate.
So let’s compare this princess cut diamond, with 3 other diamonds (and prices) all having different colors and clarities (all selling at James Allen).
Does this image help?
Got a Price Range?
Think you know this diamond?
Ready for the answers???
Let’s get to the real specifics…
This princess cut diamond and all its 4c’s are shown below:
It’s actually a really great deal for a diamond.
$3,060 is a Steal!
Especially since this diamond visually faces up more like a $10,000 diamond. Being a 1.01 carat stone, ideal cut, with E color (my favorite diamond color), I1 clarity (faces up wonderfully for an included diamond), excellent polish and symmetry, and no fluorescence. All these other top notch characteristics (cut, polish, symmetry) are what make this lower clarity diamond look much, much better (and look more expensive)!
Just $3,060!!!
That’s incredible!
Plus, it’s GIA certified too. And that is the best you can get.
So grab this lovely 1.01 princess cut diamond here (I’m sure it will sell FAST).
Or see other similar quality princess cuts here at James Allen.
Thanks for playing!
If you enjoyed this, let me know in the comments below…
Cheers! :)