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Diamond Warranty Voided by Disclaimers

I’m talking to a friend the other day about his ring. He lost the center stone (the largest diamond) in his wedding band. He didn’t worry too much about it since he had one of those “diamond warranties” that are supposed to replace your diamond if you lose it from the mounting.

Notice I said…

“Supposed to…”

He takes the ring into the jeweler (no names to protect the guilty) along with his great “diamond warranty“.

They look at the warranty, shrug and tell him they can’t replace the stone.


Because he missed his last 6-month inspection (he missed it by one month). They tell him he has now voided his diamond warranty!!!

My friend left that jeweler extremely mad and frustrated. After spending a lot of money with this jeweler over the past ten years, they voided his warranty over the difference of a couple of weeks.

Are they serious?

In these times, when a sale is hard to come by and the economy is bad, to turn away a great customer over a small disclaimer they have tucked in a paragraph on the bottom of their warranty is unheard of.

Can they really afford to lose a customer? Apparently so.

I asked him what the carat weight and quality is of the diamond he bought. He looks at the diamond warranty… It didn’t say (oh really?) He looks at the receipt, all it says is “men’s diamond ring” (nice description). And that’s it. Nothing else but a bunch of SKU numbers and a price (of course).

Nowhere on any of the paperwork does it say anything about carat weight, clarity, color or cut. Nothing.


How does he even know what it was he lost? He doesn’t. How great that the jeweler failed to list important diamond information like quality, but they certainly didn’t miss the chance to list “If you forget to bring this document in just one time for your cleaning and inspection, we’re going to void this entire warranty” (evil laugh) Not in those words, but you get my drift. They should also add…

“And lose a customer for life.”

It’s true. You miss one inspection and your warranty is voided. Good luck with that. What are they thinking? People aren’t known for forgetting things are they?

So what advice would I have for people shopping around for a new diamond ring or engagement ring?

Read the small print.

Know what it is you’re buying. Just because their warranties make the deal sound good, it doesn’t always pan out. Read all the disclaimers. Ask questions. Make sure they give you an appraisal with your purchase that lists the exact carat weights, color, cut and clarity of your diamonds. Don’t take it for granted. If they list your item as “diamond ring” and nothing else, it means squat. Find another jeweler.

Put it in writing:

Diamond information is vital if you ever need to replace a stone, get insurance, trade it in or even sell it. You need to have them put it in writing (better yet, buy a certified diamond).

It’s a hard lesson to learn about these so called “diamond warranties“, but they’re not all that bad. They can come in handy if you follow their little rules and guidelines. They will replace your diamond if your merchandise fits their criteria (prongs must be intact) then all will be good and everyone will be happy.

But if you get lax and forget about your 6-month check-up just one time… Then that diamond warranty just became a worthless piece of paper.

Is your warranty up-to-date?

Do this:

Always add your expensive jewelry to your insurance policy, homeowner’s insurance, whatever, get it insured. It’s good to have a back-up plan just in case your diamond warranty is ever voided (plus your insurance will cover if your ring is lost or stolen as well).

You never know, that next diamond that’s lost from a mounting or ring could be yours.

So I ask again… Is your warranty up-to-date?

Better check now…

Cheers! :)

Recommended Jewelry Supplies:

Ultrasonic Jewelry Cleaner Jewelry Steam Cleaner Complete Jewelry Cleaner Kit Diamond Dazzle Stick
Gold Silver Jewelry Polishing Cloths Jewelry Making Supplies Kit Gold Acid Test Kit Watch Tool Repair Kit
Ring Adjusters EMT Emergency Ring Cutter 10x Jewelers Loupe Jewelers Microscope

Recommended Jewelry Supplies:

Ultrasonic Jewelry Cleaner Jewelry Steam Cleaner
Complete Jewelry Cleaner Kit Diamond Dazzle Stick
Gold Silver Jewelry Polishing Cloths Jewelry Making Supplies Kit
Gold Acid Test Kit Watch Tool Repair Kit
Ring Adjusters EMT Emergency Ring Cutter
10x Jewelers Loupe Jewelers Microscope

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