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Great Chains For Valentines Day

Valentines is coming…

Less than 2 weeks away. Already.

(Did January just disappear?)

So this year, buy her one of the hottest practical pieces of jewelry to date;

A gold chain.

Gold chains, like rose gold, white gold, and yellow gold are the perfect gift to buy. You can wear them endlessly, hang pendants or charms on them, and have it for the rest of your life (and you can also buy matching couples necklaces (2 of them), or bracelets too.

Every jewelry store, catalog, flier is featuring them.

And what chains do I recommend?

Just like these chains here:

Great Gold Chains For Valentines Day

These are the best chains to buy.

Chains like this are durable, won’t kink, you can sleep in them, and they’ll last you a lifetime.

I would also recommend buying a gold chain with a lobster claw clasp, versus a spring ring (see image above). That way you won’t have to worry about them falling off your neck.

Stay away from hollow or plated:

Make sure you check the description well. You don’t want any chains that are gold plated, gold filled, semi-hollow, hollow, or layered. Look for solid chains (not hollow inside, where they would crush). The biggest way to tell the difference is in price.

Genuine gold will be more expensive. Generally $100 and up. Plated chains, silver chains, hollow chains are cheaper and ultra-lightweight. They won’t last, their plating will wear off, tarnish, and they’ll leave black or green marks on your neck (and clothing).

Buy a real chain instead.

A real solid chain (not saying it needs to be thick or gaudy, just solid and not plated) will last you forever. It’s well worth the price.

So pick up your chains today:

They are the perfect gift for the most romantic day of the year.

Cheers! :)

Recommended Jewelry Supplies:

Ultrasonic Jewelry Cleaner Jewelry Steam Cleaner Complete Jewelry Cleaner Kit Diamond Dazzle Stick
Gold Silver Jewelry Polishing Cloths Jewelry Making Supplies Kit Gold Acid Test Kit Watch Tool Repair Kit
Ring Adjusters EMT Emergency Ring Cutter 10x Jewelers Loupe Jewelers Microscope

Recommended Jewelry Supplies:

Ultrasonic Jewelry Cleaner Jewelry Steam Cleaner
Complete Jewelry Cleaner Kit Diamond Dazzle Stick
Gold Silver Jewelry Polishing Cloths Jewelry Making Supplies Kit
Gold Acid Test Kit Watch Tool Repair Kit
Ring Adjusters EMT Emergency Ring Cutter
10x Jewelers Loupe Jewelers Microscope

Recommended Diamond Vendors:

James Allen

James Allen

James Allen is a leader in diamonds. Their real time interactive diamond inspection is the best in the industry. View and rotate any diamond under 20x magnification. Their prices, selection, lifetime warranty, 24/7 customer support and hassle free returns are unbeatable. Visit James Allen today.

James Allen

Blue Nile

Blue Nile

Blue Nile is the largest and most well known respected diamond dealer online. They are highly trusted, have a huge inventory, and low low prices (compare anywhere and see for yourself). If you want to save money, or build your own ring, this is the place to shop. Visit Blue Nile today.

Blue Nile

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