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Need some Healing?
Feeling a little off-kilter? Unbalanced? Out of sync with your body or mind?
Then you really should check out chakra.
It’s good for the soul, the spirit, and the energy in your body. It’s wheels of light with concentrated spirals of electromagnetic fields.
Sound Hogwash?
Not at all. The chakra system (sometimes spelled cakra or cakka) actually originated in India between 1500 and 500 BC. It’s in some of the oldest texts encountered called the Vedas.
And now, in today’s current time, chakra has become a new age interest. Tightly mixed with tantric traditions and yoga, this inner peace, inner healing, can truly transform your body.
It’s like a blue print to your organs; the heart, the pancreas, the pineal glands, the throat, sacral and even your crown.
The all knowing
Chakra can consume you, help you, keeps you focused and surrounded by good karma and energy.
All from 7 Little Gemstones.
The 7 major chakras work with your entire body, head to toe, mixing elements of earth, water, fire and air… Things that affect your smell, taste, sight, touch, hearing and even your e.s.p.
It’s Inner Awareness
Positive energy is something you’ll want to wear daily, reaping the benefits of yin and yang.
Chakra Bracelets make it Easy
You can put a bracelet on, wear it all day long (it goes with any attire), and feel like a brand new person.
Use it for meditation. Relaxation. Peace of mind.
Just like these beautiful chakra bracelets here:
Touch your Chakras
So get yourself some stones, some stunning jewelry, some books, read up, you’ll love it.
From the first chakra to the last, you’ll find that bracelets are inspiring, healing, and transforming.
Well Worth a Few Bucks!
Wouldn’t you say?
Get your chakra bracelets TODAY!
Cheers! :)