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A Reader Writes in and Asks Me a…
I just had a Very Nice Platinum Ring Resized. Up One Size. The Ring isn’t as Heavy as it was Before. I Feel either the Jeweler Stolen Platinum from the Inside of the Ring or White Gold was Used.
Hi Linda.
I would have to Guess that the Jeweler did Not do anything to your Ring other than Size it. I say this Because Platinum is a Very Hard Metal for jewelers to Work with, let alone try to Steal. Just Sizing them is a Bear. And for them to Carve away enough Inside of the Ring for you to Feel a Difference, you would also have to See the Difference too. And if you could see the Difference, then there wouldn’t be Any Question.
I would Believe that the Reason it Feels Different or Lighter Weight is all a Matter of Perception (Plus the Fact that you’ve been without your Ring for a Couple of Days or even Weeks). When a Ring is Tighter and Fits Snugger on the Finger, it’s going to Feel Heavier. When it’s More Comfortable and lets Air in between the Ring and Finger it will probably Feel Lighter. Almost like Clothing Does. Clothes that give you Room to Breath Feel Lighter than Restricting ones.
It may also Feel Different not only because the Ring Hole is Larger, but also because it’s been Polished and Cleaned. Just the New Smooth Feel of your Ring may be enough for it to Feel Odd. If the Ring still looks the Same, just Bigger, then I wouldn’t Worry about it. There’s really No Easy Way for them to Substitute your Platinum for Gold. Trust me, this happens a lot with people after they get their Rings back and they are Brand New again. You’ll get used to the New Feel after a Week or so.
And if you still have Doubts, take it to a Different Jeweler and have them Test it (They will Use Platinum and Gold Testers Like THESE HERE!) See if your Platinum Ring still is Platinum. They can also Tell you whether it’s been Carved Out or Not. I really Feel that if anything was Changed about your Ring, you definitely would know it.
Hope it Works Out!
Thanks for your Response.
It has been Significantly Carved out on the Inside. And you are Right, it wouldn’t seem like it was Worth the Effort. I thought they may have Carved out the Inside to Use for the Resizing. Since Platinum is so Expensive instead of Adding More Platinum.
I am taking it to the Jeweler I Bought it from Today.
I’ll do my Best to Answer it! :)
Cheers! :)