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Recycled Plastic 4Ocean Bracelet Review

Recycled? YES!

I never knew such a bracelet or company existed, until I took a trip to San Francisco last year.

I saw these bracelets on a rack and was intrigued by their appearance (the beads were slick, beautiful, see-through, and the cords were pretty and colorful).

But then I read what they stood for, and was floored:

This bracelet is made from recycled materials.

Every bracelet purchased funds the removal of one pound of trash from the oceans and coastlines.

This company was started by 2 guys; Alex Schulze and Andrew Cooper.

Alex Schulze And Andrew Cooper From 4Ocean

They were on a surfing trip and noticed fisherman pushing their boat through piles of plastic and debris that had washed up on the shore.

The fishermen fished for a living, and had no choice but to trench through the polluted waters to earn their score. But their nets are what inspired the two young men. Those same nets could also be used to clean up the watersif the fishermen were fully funded. This brainstorm created the whole concept for the company; 4 Ocean. The plan was quickly set into operation:

4Ocean Removing Plastic From The Sea

One pound at a time.

4Ocean Removing Trash From The Oceans

This company takes discarded plastic, and turns it into something beautiful:


4Ocean Recycled Plastic Material Bracelet

This is where you come in…

Proceeds from each and every bracelet helps fund the expeditions, boats, and crew, who literally take the trash out.

4Ocean Boats

I love it!

I bought myself a couple of bracelets. I bought more as gifts.

Recycled Plastic 4Ocean Bracelet

I think what 4 Ocean is doing is uplifting and inspiring. I stand behind them 100%. Their message is something we all need to take to heart.

Who doesn’t want to save the oceans?

4 Ocean operates in multiple countries, employs over 150 people, and designs many different styles of bracelets and colors, like my Earth Day bracelet below:

4Ocean Recycled Plastic Bracelet

It not only looks great, but the plastic feels smooth and comfortable. And, the cord is adjustable to fit any size wrist.

Plastic is so devastating to our planet and oceans. So 4 Ocean is out to raise awareness and change behaviors. And by turning this hideous eyesore landscape into something beautiful, is positive, heart-warming, and commendable.

From Haiti to the Caribbean, 4 Ocean is providing a safer living condition for marine life, and giving new opportunities for growth, equality, education and prosperity.

We can all end plastic pollution!

We can be a part of the movement and the solution right now.

With limited edition bracelets, like this Great Barrier Reef bracelet

Great Barrier Reef 4Ocean Bracelet

4 Ocean will pull plastic from the sea and protect the species and planet at the same time.

So please, help out. Purchase a bracelet, or a few, and double your impact (you can even do monthly subscriptions). For each and every bracelet represents a different animal or ecosystem threatened by ocean plastic.

Support and protect them.

Take a peek at some of the wonderful bracelets on sale at 4 Ocean today:

4Ocean Recycled Braceles

So spend $20, or more, and help save lives. Buy a recycled plastic bracelet and you could very well save a sea turtle, or a whale, dolphin, or shark… It’s worth every penny.

Head on over to 4 Ocean now and rid the world of plastic.

(This is not an affiliate link, I make no commissions from 4 Ocean, this is not a paid review. I just fully believe in what they stand for and want to share it with the world.)

Cheers! :)

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  1. Teri Thompson // January 27, 2020 at 1:26 pm // Reply

    I heard of 4OCEANS a couple of years ago. These two men are among the angels
    that walk our planet. If our oceans die we all die. Thank God for these men who founded 4OCEANS & all those employees, volunteers and everyone who buys all the beautiful bracelets! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I have 6 bracelets now & am working on purchasing all of them as my finances allow. When I buy them as gifts I feel like I’m giving a beautiful gift and spreading the word to as many people as possible. I will continue to support in every way I am able. God Bless you all! Teri T.

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