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Stop your Chain from Spinning Around Front on your Neck


Can you Stop a Chain from Moving around your Neck?

Can you Keep the Clasp from riding around to the Front?


Unless you can Defy Gravity that is!

You see, as your Body Moves, your Chain will Naturally Move with it, and Invariably the Clasp will Fall until it’s Sitting on your Chest.

Sadly, the only way to keep this from happening is to either Duct Tape it to your Neck, or Buy a Long Enough Chain where’s there No Clasp, and can Slide it over your Head (you will usually need a 24-30″ Chain to do this).

Just about any Pendant will Move around your Neck as well, and the Chains that do this the Most are the Light Weight, Frail, Fine Chains (like the Thin Cheap ones that Most Pendants come with), and ones that have a Clasp that’s Too Heavy for the Chain (like a Heavy Lobster Clasp)…

Clasp Rides Around Neck!

So it’s either put on a Lighter Weight Clasp (Not Really Recommended), or move up to a Little Bit Heavier Chain (More Durable Anyway).

Take a look at the Images below of Chains that have Too Small of a Chain on them, and Pendants that are Well Balanced and Work Well with the Right Chain Thickness…

Chain is too Small for Pendant!

Well Balanced Chain and Pendants!

Or you can just take the Indiana Jones Approach, and Staple the Chain to your Body as he Demonstrates with his Hat Trick in the Trailer here…

Pretty Funny Stuff! :)

A Better Technique might be to Buy a Different Type of Clasp or Chain. Like an Omega Chain. Some of these (the Better Ones), have the Clasp Built Right into the Chain so it Blends in. Other Chains have Toggle Clasps which can actually Hang in Front and look Cool. See image below…

Different Types of Chain Clasps!

You could also Beef up the Bail on the Pendant so it’s Large Enough to Hide the Clasp if it were to Move Forward as such…

Bail Hides Chain Clasp!

Or get a Pendant where the Actual Pendant is Attached and Soldered onto the Chain as so…

Pendants Attached To The Chain!

Lastly, you can always get a Chain that has an Extender on the Back (for Different Lengths if Preferred). That Little Extra Weight in the Back may be Enough to Hold your Pendant up Front and the Clasp in Back.

Finally, Don’t Worry about it!

Everybody’s Chain and Clasp does this. There’s really No Way around the Issue. It’s normal and you’re Probably the only one who will Notice it.


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Recommended Jewelry Supplies:

Ultrasonic Jewelry CleanerJewelry Steam Cleaner
Complete Jewelry Cleaner KitDiamond Dazzle Stick
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Gold Acid Test KitWatch Tool Repair Kit
Ring AdjustersEMT Emergency Ring Cutter
10x Jewelers LoupeJewelers Microscope

Recommended Diamond Vendors:

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Blue Nile

Blue Nile

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Blue Nile

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