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What time is it?
Time to come clean…
And clean your watch.
For that’s one thing that people never, ever do…
Seriously! They wear their wrist watch for decades, and never once clean it.
And I know this, because I work on a lot of watches. I fix links, alter sizes, swap straps, change batteries… And I see how dirty those links can be.
It’s not a pretty sight.
Oh your watch may not appear dirty… But if you look closely between the links, in between the buckle, the clasp, the places where it hooks into the case, you’ll see it’s nothing but black.
Gross, nasty, dark, black material, that smears off on your skin, clothes, and fingers.
I’m not making this up.
Take a look at your watch right now…
Inspect it. You’ll see.
So that’s why cleaning your watch, can actually preserve it’s lifespan, make it glisten, and not stain your arm as well.
Watch cleaning kits, just like these, as well as other must-have kits.
So clean your watch now.
Remove the band (don’t get the actual movement or case wet). Let it soak in an ultrasonic cleaner… You’ll be shocked at how dirty it was.
Get these kits below:
- Watch Cleaning Kit
- Blitz 2-Pack Basic Watch Care Kit
- Watch Store Watch Care Kit
- Watch Care and Scratch Removal Kit
- Professional Watch Repair Tool Kit with Manual
And see all the wrist watch cleaning kits here.
Cheers! :)