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This post is taken from our Q&A Section on Diamond Guide that is meant to give advice to people about Diamonds and Diamond Buying.
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In December 2008 I gave my fiance an Engagement Ring and in July of 2009 she discovered a Chip near one of the Prongs. The Jeweler from whom we purchased it has not been very helpful or forthcoming.
Is there an “Industry Standard of Ethics” with regards to this problem?
Thanks for any advice you can give us.
Hi Mike.
Even if there were an “Industry Standard of Ethics” it wouldn’t help you in this case. The reason being, there is no way to prove when the Diamond was Chipped. Your fiance could have Chipped it at anytime in the last 8 months. There’s just no way to prove it one way or the other.
The only way to know if you were sold a Chipped Diamond is to scope the Diamond at the time of purchase (BEFORE you leave the store).
I always advice buying a Loose Diamond first, scoping it and looking for any Chips or Inclusions. I also advise buying it Certified (The Certificate will note if the Diamond is Chipped) and then once it’s mounted and sized, scope it again to verify that your Diamond is the same Diamond and not Chipped (or Switched). If your Diamond becomes Chipped once you walk out the door, it’s NOT the Jewelers fault.
Now there is a slight chance that the Diamond WAS Chipped when you bought it. Usually Chipped Diamonds will mean that the Diamond is I Clarity (eye-visible Inclusions). And if the Chip is small enough, sometimes the Jeweler will cover it with a Prong (this is what a good Jeweler would do. It’s not hiding the fact that it’s Chipped, it’s making your Diamond look prettier and covering up a Chip will also help prevent it from Chipping more). That’s also why I always advice buying the Diamond Loose first, (so you can make sure it’s not damaged, and if it is, at least you’re aware of it) then having it mounted later.
If you didn’t buy your Diamond Loose… If you didn’t microscope your Diamond to make sure it wasn’t Chipped during purchase… If your Diamond is not Certified… Then I’m afraid there really isn’t anything you can do.
If you have Insurance covering your Diamond, talk to your agent. A lot of times if your Diamond is insured they will cover against Chips or Breaks and replace the stone at no charge.
Hopefully this helps.
Good luck with the Diamond and the Jeweler!