An interesting question was asked the other day in our Q & A Section of the site. “Do some diamonds chip easier than others?” What a great question. The answer is: YES! Most people may [Read More…]
An interesting question was asked the other day in our Q & A Section of the site. “Do some diamonds chip easier than others?” What a great question. The answer is: YES! Most people may [Read More…]
This post is taken from our Q&A section on diamond guide that is meant to give advice to people about diamonds and diamond buying. If you have a question you’d like answered about diamonds or [Read More…]
Here’s a question: Can you take the diamonds out of a tennis bracelet that you don’t wear anymore and reset them into something new and exciting? It’s a great question sent in from Susie in [Read More…]
Even though I answered this in a recent question and answer sent in by Sarah (questions and answers) I thought I would delve a little deeper in the subject because it’s a great topic and [Read More…]
“Oh NO!” A Common Question I get asked in my Q&A Section is “I think the Jeweler Cracked my Diamond! What can I do about it?” It’s a Question that many will NOT like the [Read More…]
I had a visitor to my website (by the name of Tom) write into my Q&A and inquire about the Color of Fancy Colored Diamonds (Which is a TRUE Fancy Colored Diamond, and NOT a [Read More…]
Let’s Face it, everyone’s Wrist are Different Sizes. Some are Bony, some are Regular, some are Extra Thick. It’s just the way things are! Happily, your Jewelry doesn’t have to Suffer. Tennis Bracelets, either Diamond [Read More…]
Question A Recent Q&A Letter from a Reader states: “My Fiance Bought a 3 Diamond Engagement Ring at Macys. The Tops Sparkle however, when looking at the Sides they are Cloudy. How could this be? [Read More…]
A Reader Writes in and Asks Me a… QUESTION: RAGOTHAMAN IN CHENNAI, INDIA, WRITES: Question: Sir, I am an Indian. In India when we Buy the Diamonds we give More Significance to Diamond’s Clarity more [Read More…]
A Reader Writes in and Asks Me a… QUESTION: RAY IN THE UK, WRITES: My Wife and I Both have 3-Colour Gold Puzzle Rings bought in Australia as our Wedding Rings (19 Years and Counting) [Read More…]
A Reader Writes in and Asks Me a… QUESTION: JOHN IN PINE BLUFF, AR, WRITES: Is there a Proper Way to Tell Real Pearls from Fake Pearls? ANSWER FOR JOHN: Hi John. The 3 Best [Read More…]
A Reader Writes in and Asks Me a… QUESTION: SHARON IN SALT LAKE CITY, UT, WRITES: I have always had my Prongs Checked Quarterly. In the Past Year I have Suddenly had a Broken or [Read More…]