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Significant Other LGBT Gay Pride Jewelry

Most jewelers or jewelry stores don’t think about jewelry for significant others.

In fact:

They carry none.

Gay couples, men and women, often have a difficult time shopping for rings or bands because everything in the show cases is tailored for straight couples.

Diamond engagement rings for her

Wedding bands for him.

You never see same sex rings like his and his. You never see matching wedding rings that 2 females would like either.

All you see are bridal sets and solitaires.

And here’s the kicker…

Gay couples and the rest of the LGBTQ+ community want to buy commitment rings and equality rings. They want to get married like everyone else.

What happens mostly is that they just end up picking out a band they like, and buying two of them.

Sadly, doing this in a public jewelry store often brings curious eyes. Even sales people tend to act awkward or put off, and employees in the back will peek, point and sometimes laugh. I’ve seen it happen.

It’s neither pleasant, nor comfortable For anyone.

My question is this: WHY????

Why is this?

Why haven’t any jewelers stepped up to the plate and started carrying tailored lines for gay men and women?

It makes no sense to me.

Gay people, people of all genders, make up a good chunk of the population. So why not build exclusive merchandise that shows a bold new era with awesome designs?

Things that stand for equality and marriage and love and pride. We shouldn’t have to travel to San Francisco to see these.

Jewelers are missing the boat.

After all, it’s pretty well known that gays have a lot of wealth.

I think it would be very cool if some mainstream jewelers opened their doors for “everyone” and carried merchandise that gays would love too.

There are some jewelry stores that I found online that sell pride jewelry for the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) community.

A few of these jewelers are listed here:

Love And Pride Jewelry Website! Pride ID Jewelry Website!
Pride Shack Jewelry Website! Monster Steel Jewelry Website!

Love and Pride

Pride Shack is probably the biggest, most well known, highly respected jeweler that specializes in pride jewelry. But there’s also: Rainbow Depot, and a biggie: ETSY, they have tons and tons of handmade items here. Not to mention Amazon, the biggest source of gay pride jewelry on the net.

The items you’ll find are beautiful, trendy and bold. Plus, the companies stand for the rights of gays, and are always active in the human right campaigns, charities, and public awareness. Especially now, during Pride Month: June.

1138 Jewelry

I was actually shocked and stunned to learn what the 1138 collection stood for (some of these items are shown below). 1138 is the number of federal rights and protections that gay couples are denied because they cannot legally be married in most states. That’s an eye-opener.

1138 rights denied?

What country do we live in?

I say this to all the jewelry stores, both big and small, get with the time. Get current.

Welcome gay business.

Train your staff and employees to be open and accepting and treat gays like friends, family and loved ones.

They deserve it.

Because it’s difficult to overhear a conversation such as this:

Guy enters store…

Lady greets him with a smile “Shopping to get that special girl a gift?

The guy stops “Why do you assume it’s a girl?

The lady replies “Because it’s normal.” She laughs “Unless you’re one of those…

The guy stares at her for the longest time. Then turns around and leaves.

Awkward, sad and pathetic.

She should not be waiting on people.

Salespeople should not assume that one is shopping for a him or a her. And quite frankly, it shouldn’t matter either.

The job is to sell jewelry. Not prejudge, question or push their beliefs.

Who the jewelry is for is none of their concern.

Treat everyone fairly and equally.

If there was one single jeweler that would break down these walls and welcome gays, I surmise they would see a boom in business.

So where can gays turn?

To the web.

Shop online safely and securely, and don’t feel like a science experiment.

That way there is no confrontation. You can order 2 identical rings and not have the whole staff gossiping.

Jewelry needs to be equal too.

Is that too much to ask?

Even if a store only carried a small section for gay couples… It’s still a move in the right direction. Something that shows their support.

Whether it be diamonds, gold, stainless steel, rose gold, titanium, pink triangles, or rainbows… It’s all about pride and equality.

Below are some kick ass designs that one of the most popular LGBT jeweler carries. I’m sure if you look hard enough, you’ll find some wonderful designs that show off your personality and style, and hopefully, you’ll also find a jeweler that you fall in Love with.

Enjoy the jewelry from Love and Pride below. It’s beautiful stuff…

Significant Other LGBT Gay Pride Jewelry

Show your support and your pride with jewelry designed specifically for the gay community.

Amazon carries tons of cool designs and different jewelry. Check out their pride jewelry today.

Cheers :)

Recommended Jewelry Supplies:

Ultrasonic Jewelry Cleaner Jewelry Steam Cleaner Complete Jewelry Cleaner Kit Diamond Dazzle Stick
Gold Silver Jewelry Polishing Cloths Jewelry Making Supplies Kit Gold Acid Test Kit Watch Tool Repair Kit
Ring Adjusters EMT Emergency Ring Cutter 10x Jewelers Loupe Jewelers Microscope

Recommended Jewelry Supplies:

Ultrasonic Jewelry Cleaner Jewelry Steam Cleaner
Complete Jewelry Cleaner Kit Diamond Dazzle Stick
Gold Silver Jewelry Polishing Cloths Jewelry Making Supplies Kit
Gold Acid Test Kit Watch Tool Repair Kit
Ring Adjusters EMT Emergency Ring Cutter
10x Jewelers Loupe Jewelers Microscope


  1. You may or may not be aware of the continuing debacle our Governor has been putting the State of Indiana through with his “signed in secret out of the sight of prying eyes of the media” RFRA act. It’s been turned into an International scandal and a real hootfest for more progressive countries to see what backward, bigoted hicks he apparently thinks we all are. It’s also COST THE STATE UPWARDS OF $60,000,000! Yep – SIXTY million dollars in lost conventions, retail and hotel revenue AND money he’s actually thought was wise to pay out to a Public Relations firm to try and “Fix” Indiana’s “brand.” We’ve got a brand all right – one that no amount of money can fix. That of being bigoted, unwelcoming, inhospitable, boorish, self aggrandizing hicks. And all with one stroke of a pen and uncountable strokes of media attention to the fact that our governor is a first class boob.

    I have two cousins, who are sisters, and the only children of very conservative right wing parents. And they are lesbians. One is a more masculine of the two, the other the more feminine. They both have lifetime partners, to whom they are wed/commited to each other since well before it became legal on a Federal level. They have children, birthed by one of the two in each household, and a wonderful, close, stable family relationship. I cannot say the same for an enormous number of straight couples I am acquainted with, including my own siblings!

    It has always been a source of extreme frustration for me to see how badly people are treated for things over which they have absolutely no control. I have always been the champion of the “underdog” since I was a child, having been one of those children who seemed to have been born a natural target for bullies and snobs. Too tall too quick (5’8″ in 7th grade in 1968 was TALL for a girl. I was the tallest student in the school, except for one boy who was the same height. I even looked down at most of my teachers), too thin, glasses from age 8 (in the 60’s no less), not terribly attractive, early puberty, bad skin for which there were no magic cures at the time, and mother cuts my hair and makes my clothes; living on the edges of the “popular” neighborhoods, oh, and did I mention SMART? I was reading on a 7th grade level in 4th grade, and had been reading since we’ll before 1st grade. Soooo….there you have it. I was a mess. And I became the friend of the friendless. Always have been. And that includes anyone who didn’t “fit in” to the norm for whatever reason (whatever that was supposed to be) as defined by the more powerful “Beautiful People.”

    You do not need to post this, or even feel obligated to respond to it if you don’t wish. I just felt somehow that you might appreciate where I’m coming from and why. Especially since we seem to think the same way about such important social issues. My husband and I both have gay/lesbian friends, and have both had to carefully and gently dissuade approaches by a few. We can certainly be friends without involving intimacies, the same as we are each friends with other straight people of the opposite sex. After 40 years of marriage we certainly are both comfortable and confident with each other’s attitudes and friendships.

    Anyway, I am pleased to no end regarding your post here, and wish that our one and only local jewelry store would adopt a similar stance. But, this is a somewhat conservative Midwest community with a long standing and vocal older population, and somehow I don’t think seeing such things in the store they have been going to since the early 50’s is going to continue to endear the store to them.

    The gal who is running it (my good friend) still has her parents involved, and I’m SURE they would not approve of that change in marketing! She’s made quite a few changes in the store since she took a bigger hand in running it, and while her parents were on vacation a couple of years ago, she had the store repainted inside and several older photos reframed and relocated, some new cases installed, and that is ALL it took to enrage her father to the point of walking out permanently and retiring when they got back home! I can’t imagine what his reaction would have been to this sort of marketing change! Probably instant implosion!

    • :) I have some friends that are gay as well, and I’ve got no problems with them. There’s far more things to be concerned with in this world, than what you put in your mouth. I actually think a Jewelry Store that had an entire showcase dedicated to “Gay” and “Lesbian” (as well as all the other fine Folks) Jewelry, Wedding Rings, Bracelets, Necklaces… would be very Cool, Modern, and HIP! Not to mention COLORFUL! :) -Richard

  2. Cristine Gaeta // January 11, 2021 at 9:10 pm // Reply

    I want to design jewellery that goes beyond and above, creative and unique! I have been working for lots of years within NHS and values such equality and diversity is running in my blood but not just words but demonstrating on daily basis respect for everyone!
    Now I have managed to start up my business and I wish feedback of what the community would like to see, designs any ideas would be welcomed!

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