Buying Pearls is not as easy as it seems, because Pearls come in every mm size available (and every color). It makes it tough to order online when you don’t know how big the Pearls [Read More…]
Buying Pearls is not as easy as it seems, because Pearls come in every mm size available (and every color). It makes it tough to order online when you don’t know how big the Pearls [Read More…]
Chakra has been around for thousands of years. Many people believe in their Healing Powers. These 7 Major Chakra Gemstones have been known to Heal such things as Joint, Lower Back Problems, Nerves, Digestion, the [Read More…]
What are the Best Pearls to wear for a Wedding? What Pearl Necklace should the Bride-to-be wear? All Great Questions that Jewelers get asked frequently. Here’s what I tell them: Wear a Strand of Pearls, [Read More…]
I often get asked “What Gemstones look good together?“ People want to know if you can wear certain Gems together, or certain color schemes that will match well. The problem is, there are thousands and [Read More…]
While basic gemology training has its earliest origins in the early 19th century, the National Association of Goldsmiths set the first qualifications for gemologists in the year 1908 with the start-up of their Gemmological Committee [Read More…]
A Reader Writes in and Asks Me a… QUESTION: JOHN IN PINE BLUFF, AR, WRITES: Is there a Proper Way to Tell Real Pearls from Fake Pearls? ANSWER FOR JOHN: Hi John. The 3 Best [Read More…]
People are under the impression that Diamonds are the hardest object on Earth and because “You Can’t Break a Diamond“. While this is half true, it’s far from being truthful. Here’s why: Diamond is the [Read More…]
A Reader Writes in and Asks Me a… QUESTION: SHARON IN TALLAHASSEE, FL, WRITES: My Pearl Fell out of my Ring. I Have the Pearl. What Type of Glue is Used to Reset the Pearl? [Read More…]
You open your Grandmother’s Jewelry Box and inside is a Beautiful Strand of Pearls. The Real Question is: Are the Pearls Real, or are they Fake? Let’s find out… Below are 6 Simple (although Not [Read More…]
Whose Gemstones? Here’s the Funny Thing about Mother’s Rings… People never know what or whose Birthstones or Gemstones to put in them. People know what Birthstones are (Garnet, Amethyst, Aquamarine…), but WHOSE Stones should you [Read More…]
Don’t be fooled. Don’t be fooled into thinking a fake diamond (or diamond simulant) is a real diamond just because of the name. It may look like a diamond, but that doesn’t mean it is [Read More…]
Pearls are the Official Birthstone for the Month of June. Alternative Birthstones are Alexandrite and Moonstone. Pearl is also the Gemstone that represents those born on Monday. Plus, it’s the Zodiac Gem (Astrological) for Cancer [Read More…]