Name: Diamond Remount Event Ad | Size: 9.00 x 10.00 inches | Type: Flier |
Many Jewelry Stores have Diamond Remount Events multiple times a year. The reason for this? They SELL Diamond Merchandise! People really do love to design new Rings and Pendants out of their old Diamond pieces. That Antique Ring your Grandmother gave you? Remount it! Put that Stone into a modern style that makes the Diamond look wonderful! If you’re not wearing it, have it reset into a ring you will wear! If you have these special events, showcase them in Advertisements! Postcards and Fliers get the word out!
More Jewelry Advertising Samples are below in my Gallery (These Images are Copyright – Do not USE!) ! If you want more info about Graphic Design and Info, check out my post here: Jewelry Sample Advertisements! It’s a good read! :)