Name: Pandora Bracelet Ad | Size: 4.62 x 6.00 inches | Type: Mailer |
Pandora has been HOT for years! Many Jewelers who are Pandora Bracelet Dealers have advertised Pandora non-stop! It brings loads of people in the door. Back when Pandora allowed you to create advertisements for local Jewelers, I worked on a bunch of Pandora Ads. Pandora did supply a good portion of the creative for these projects. The images for their clientele are stunning and beautiful. Since then, Pandora has tightened down on Jewelers that sell Pandora (your logo has to be smaller than their logo) and making them use only their pre-created ads and getting approval to do so. Those were the days…
More Jewelry Advertising Samples are below in my Gallery (These Images are Copyright – Do not USE!) ! If you want more info about Graphic Design and Info, check out my post here: Jewelry Sample Advertisements! It’s a good read! :)