What is a diamond culet? A culet is a facet at the very bottom of the diamond. Does the culet matter? You bet it does. :) A fully round brilliant cut diamond normally has 58 [Read More…]
What is a diamond culet? A culet is a facet at the very bottom of the diamond. Does the culet matter? You bet it does. :) A fully round brilliant cut diamond normally has 58 [Read More…]
If you ask people what the most important aspect of a Diamond is, you’ll hear all sorts of answers: “It’s the Clarity of a Diamond, of course!” “It’s the Color, White looks Better and Brighter!” [Read More…]
“I Wanna Trade!” A Woman brings her Solitaire Diamond Ring into our Store to Trade it in for a Bigger Stone. She bought her Ring originally at the Mall a couple of years ago and [Read More…]
The Diamond 4C’s? Is it necessary to follow the Guidelines laid out in the 4C’s (Cut, Color, Clarity and Carat Weight) of Diamond Grading? Must you really Learn the 4C’s in Order to Purchase a [Read More…]
“The Cheapest Diamond?” I’m often asked “What is the Cheapest Diamond in the World?“, so I thought that I’d Address this Question. The Cheapest Diamond in the World would No Doubt be a FREE Diamond. [Read More…]
“I Want the BEST!” People always want the Best Diamond that their Money can Buy. The Best Cut, the Best Color, the Best Clarity and the Best Carat Weight… But… what is the Best? Let’s [Read More…]
Fancy this, Fancy that… Aren’t all Diamonds Fancy? NO! But, probably 50% of them are. You have to understand what Fancy means. Fancy can mean many different things. A look in the dictionary says that [Read More…]
Baguettes? Baguettes are Long, Thin Cuts of Diamond. They are Officially a Step Cut Diamond with only 13 Facets each. The Word Baguette actually means Little Sticks or Rods. Baguettes are generally used as Side [Read More…]
Mind Blown! This really is a Great Question that Tends to Blow People’s Mind: Can a Low Clarity Diamond, like I Clarity, Look BETTER than a High Clarity Diamond like SI Clarity? YES IT CAN! [Read More…]
Trilliant cut diamonds used to be all the rage. They were so popular in the 90’s. It seemed like every woman out there had to have a trilliant cut diamond (also called trillion cuts). They [Read More…]
Depending on who you talk to, you’ll hear different conflicting stories about the diamond bow-tie. Jewelry sales people will either tell you that the diamond bow-tie is a good thing or a bad thing. It [Read More…]